

Frontierization and De-Frontierization: A Study on Ottoman Empire’s Reign in the Balkans
摘要 帝国是有边疆而无边界,兼具整合性、差异性的巨型政治组织。帝国兴衰直观体现于边疆消长:在帝国兴盛之际,帝国边疆呈扩张态势,与帝国相邻的地区被帝国“边疆化”,成为帝国的边疆,直至遇到制衡力量而达到相对均衡状态;帝国的衰败则体现于边疆地区的萎缩,或者说“去边疆化”,边疆从帝国统治体系中“逃逸”出来。奥斯曼帝国在巴尔干地区的统治经历了“边疆化”而被纳入帝国疆域之中,多瑙河以南地区最终成为帝国统治的核心区,由边疆成为帝国中心,这是“去边僵化”的另一种形式。奥斯曼帝国在巴尔干半岛快速“边僵化”的过程,既源于奥斯曼帝国领先于巴尔干诸国的国家能力,也与巴尔干地区尚处于弱势国际体系状态有关。奥斯曼帝国在巴尔干地区的征服运动在苏莱曼大帝三次围攻维也纳未果之后近乎达到帝国的“自然边界”。奥斯曼帝国攻陷君士坦丁堡、征服巴尔干、围攻维也纳,进而“闯入”欧洲国际体系,成为欧洲国际体系的“他者”。17世纪之后,奥斯曼帝国衰败,欧洲国际体系崛起,1683年维也纳之战是转折点,弱势的奥斯曼帝国遭遇强势欧洲国际体系,巴尔干地区遂开启脱离奥斯曼帝国的“去边僵化”进程。欧洲国际体系是主权国家和帝国的双重嵌套,俄罗斯帝国、哈布斯堡帝国在巴尔干地区的扩张,使多瑙河沿岸处于“边僵化”和“去边僵化”的长期拉锯之中。直到第一次巴尔干战争之后,奥斯曼帝国在巴尔干地区的统治才土崩瓦解。第一次世界大战之后,巴尔干地区彻底告别了帝国时代,摆脱了“边疆”地位,进入主权国家与区域秩序双重建构的新阶段。 Empires are huge political organizations with frontiers but no boundaries,carrying a characteristic of both integration and differentiation. The rise and fall of an empire is reflected in the expansion or shrinking of its frontiers. When an empire prospered with its frontier expanded,the areas adjacent to the empire were“frontierized”and became the frontier of the empire,until it encountered a counter force and reached a state of relative equilibrium. The decline of an empire is reflected in the shrinking its frontier regions,namely the process of “de-frontierization”,with the given regions “escaping”from the imperial system. The Ottoman Empire’s domination in the Balkans experienced the process of “frontierization”,with the related regions incorporated into the empire’s territory. The land to south of the Danube eventually became the core area of the imperial governance,while the frontiers became the center part of the empire,which was another form of “de-frontierization”. The rapid“frontierization”of the Ottoman Empire in the Balkans was a result of the its overw helming power over the Balkan states,as well as the fact that the Balkans was still in a international system with a vulnerable structure. The Ottoman’s conquest in the Balkans reached its “natural borders”after Suleiman the Magnificent’s three unsuccessful sieges of Vienna. The Ottoman Empire took Constantinople,conquered the Balkans,besieged Vienna,and then“intruded”into the European international system,becoming the“other”of the European international system. After the 17th century,the Ottoman Empire declined while the European international system was on the rise. The battle of Vienna in 1683 was a turning point. The declining Ottoman Empire encountered the strong European international system,and the Balkans initiated the process of “de-frontierization”from the Ottoman Empire. The European international system is double-structured of sovereign states and empires. The expansion of the Russian Empire and the Habsburg Empire in the Balkans has made the shores of the Danube undergoing a reiterative process of “frontierization”and “de-frontierization”. It was not until the end of the First Balkan War that the Ottoman Empire’s domination in the Balkans fell apart eventually. After the World War I,the Balkans bade farew ell to the imperial era and got rid of the status of “frontier”,thus entered a new stage of a dual construction of sovereign state and regional order.
作者 孙兴杰 SUN Xing-jie
出处 《吉林大学社会科学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第5期198-218,240,共22页 Jilin University Journal Social Sciences Edition
基金 吉林大学哲学社会科学重大培育项目(2018ZDPY01)。
关键词 奥斯曼帝国 巴尔干半岛 边疆 边僵化 去边僵化 Ottoman Empire Balkans frontier frontierization de-frontierization
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