云南兔Lepus comus G.Allen是云贵高原和滇西山地目前发现的唯一的一种野兔,初由G.M.Allen(1927)根据采自云南西部腾冲的标本命名。其后,国内外学者(包括G.M.Allen本人在内)对云南兔究竟是一独立种或为高原兔Lepus oiostulus(Hodgson)的一个地理亚种意见纷纭(罗泽珣,1981;高耀亭等,1964;Allen,1938;Ellerman et al.,1951;Angermann,1967;Corbet,1978)。我们曾对国内有关单位所收藏的这两个类群的100余号标本进行较详细的对比研究。发现云南兔在形态上与高原兔确有明显区别,在分布上又有同域现象,因而主张仍应将云南兔保持其原定种的种级地位;同时,又查对了采于各地的云南兔所有标本,发现云南北部(丽江)至中部(景东、景谷)标本以及云南东部、南部和贵州西部标本都有异于滇西地模标本,且占有不同的地理分布区。经研究,应属两个新的亚种。其中,云南东部,南部和贵州西部的新亚种,为纪念先师彭鸿绶先生毕生献身于云、贵、川的科学考察事业和他的指导与培养,特以彭先生之姓氏命名,以资纪念。
Lepus comus of Leporidae lives in Yunnan-Guizhou Plateur and mountainous region of western Yunnan.Different opinions have been held since the classification by G.Allen(1927),focusing on whether it is an independent species or a subspecies belonging to Lepus oiostulus.We think it is a species,the reasons are as follows.1.The supraorbital process of L.comus is flat and low,does not flare upward,lower than the top of the skull;the opposite is true for L.oiostulus.2.Its snout strong and short,the percentages of diastema,length of rostrum and palatal foramina against the greatest length of skull are lower.3.The frontal and the transverse width of the rnolar are broader.4.The cheek teeth are bigger,the ratio of cheek teeth(in groove of teeth)to the greatest length of skull considerably higher.5.The pelage on both sides is bright ochraceous mixed with yellow,while L.oiostulus lacks that character.(For measurements and characters,please see Table 1 in the Chinese text.)There are three subspecies of L.comus,two of which are new.They are described as below.1.Lepus comus comus G.Allen,1927 This subspecies is big in size,the adult weighs over 2 kg.The total length of skull exceeds 88 mm.The nasal extends forward reaching the front of upper incisor.The supraorbital process is underdeveloped,its front branch weak,the back one needle-shaped.The height of zygoma arch is under 7.0 mm.2.Lepus comus pygmaeus Wang et Feng,subsp.nov.Holotype:No.KIZ 1559,(ad.),collected on June 8,1960,from Mt.Yulong(Alt.2400m.)(27°N.,100°15’E.),Lijiang,Yunnan.Paratypes.IZ 17747,IZ 17744,IZ 17748,3(ad.),collected on April 11 and 18,1960,from the same locality as the holotype;No.KIZ 836,(ad.)collected on November 3,1957,from Mt.Wuliang,Jingdong(24°N.,100°E.),Yunnan.Specimens examined:2,(subad.),1(subad.),collected from the same locality as the holotype and Jinggu(23°N.,100°E.),Central Yunnan.Diagnosis.The coat color is similar to that of L.comus comus,but the body is smaller in size.The adult weighs below 2 kg.The total length of skull is less than 87.1 mm.The frontal is narrow;the frontal widest(near the lachrymal bone)is 24.5%(23-26%)of skull length.The snout is long,constituting 42.8%(37-45%)of that of skull.For L.comus comus,the data are 28.5%(28.1-29.3%),38.6%(38.0-40.3%)respectively.In all the skulls examined(including adult and subadult),except for IZ 17748,the nasals do not reach the front of upper incisor.Distribution.North and Central,Yunnan.3.Lepus comus peni Wang et Luo,subsp.nov.°Holotype.No.KIZ 76680,(ad.),collected on May 4,1977,from Kunming,Yunnan.Paratypes.2(ad.),3(ad.),collected during May-July,1961-1979,from the same locality as the holotype.Specimens examined.2(ad.),1(subad.),1(young),collected from the same locality as the holotype,Jiangcheng(22°N.,101°E.),Yunnan and Xingyi(25°N.104°E.),Guizhou.Diagnosis:The body size and coat color of this subspecies are similar to that of L.comus comus.They are bigger than L.comus pygmaeus.The suprao-rbital process developed,triangle shaped.The zygoma strong,the height of the zygoma arch exceeds 7 mm.The nasal does not protrude,so does not reach the front of upper incisor.For measurements and weights of all subspecies,please see the text in Chinese(Table 2).Distribution.East,Yunnan and West,Guizhou.The type and the other specimens examined are kept in Kunming Institute of Zoology(KIZ),Academia Sinica,Kunming and Institute of Zoology(IZ),Academia Sinica,Beijing.
Wang Yingxiang;Luo Zexun;Feng Zuojian(Kunming Institute of Zoology,Academia Sinica,Kunming;Institute of Zoology,Academia Sinica,Beijing)
Yunnan hare Taxonomic revision New subspecies.