敌灭灵为农用杀菌剂。化学名称:2.4—二甲基一噻唑—5—甲酰替苯胺。1966年由美国Unirdl公司合成。在我国由沈阳化工研究院试制成功。经有关部门药效研究证明敌灭灵杀菌剂对高梁黑穗病有特效。 敌灭灵的急性毒性试验已有报导(沈阳化工院农药六室1979 March,R.W.1977)。为了检查敌灭灵是否具有潜在性的致癌和遗传危害,我们观察了敌灭灵对小鼠骨髓细胞和赤麂离体细胞的染色体,赤麂细胞周期动力学变化,以及姐妹染色单体交换的改变。
We used the chromosomal aberrations in the bone-marrow cells of mice and chromosomal aberrations, sister-chromatid exchanges (SCE), changes of cell-cycle kinetics in the culture cells of Red Muntjac in vitro as the index to study the mutagenicity of dimieling (2.4-dimethylthiazole-5-formylanilide). The experimental results show that the chroomosmal aberration frequencies in the bone marrow cells of mice were;control group 0.3%;dimieling LD 50 1/15 doses(290mg/kg) group 2.4%;LD 50 1/5 doses (871mg/kg) group 2.0%;positive control, LD 50 1/5 doses (446mg/kg)dikushuang(N,N/-methylene-bis -(2-amino-l, 3, 4-thiadizole) aberration frequency 19.2%. Chromosomal aberration frequencies in the culture cells fo Red Muntjac were;dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) control group 2.4%;0.2mM(46.6ug/ml)dimieling group 4.6%;2mM (466n-g/ml) group 8.4%. The culture cells of Red Muntjac had been treated with 0.05mM (10.7ug/ml) dikushuang for four hours chromosomal aberration frequency reached 14%.SCE frequency has been increased after treatnent. with dimieling.The mumber of SCEs for DMSO control group was 6.80 00.51/cell;0.2mM(46.6ug/ml)dimieling group was 9.70 8 0.34/cell;2mM(466Mug/ml)group was 9.31 + 0.73/cell, and yet SCE frequency induced by 0.05mM(10.7ug/ml) dikushuang was as high as 19.4 + 0.92/cell. Obviously, compared with dikus-hang, dimieling is a weak chemical mutagen.
He Wei-shun;Liu Ai-hua;Chen Song-jiang;Bao Hai-xian;Zhu Hui-xiang;Wang Gui-qing(Department of Cytogenetics,Kunming Institute of Zoology,Academia Sinica;Shenyang Academy of Chemical Industry)