广叶螨属Eurytetranychus Oudemans雌螨背面观阔椭圆形,背毛13对,有臀毛,腹面基节Ⅱ有刚毛2对,肛毛和肛后毛各2对;爪间突呈简单的小爪状,微小;跗节上的双毛不典型,前毛与后毛不紧靠,或者双毛缺如,气门沟呈简单的小球状。我国曾报导本属叶螨2种:榆广叶螨E.ulmi Wang,1977和列氏广叶螨E.recki Bagdasarian,1948(王慧芙,1977)。 本文报导广叶螨属的两个新种,采自陕西和江西的榆树。模式标本均保存于上海农学院。
In the genus Eurytetranychus Oudemans, 1931, two species have been recorded from China by E. ulmi Wang, 1977, and E. recki Bagdasarian, 1948. In this paper, two new species of the genus Eurytetranychus collected on Ulmus spp. are described. The type specimens are deposited in the Shanghai college of Agriculture. Eurytetranychus huaqingnicus, n.sp. (Figs.1-5) This new species is similar to E. ulmi Wang, 1977, and E. recki Bagdasarian, 1948, in having the dorsal body setae more than one-half the distance between their bases, tarsus of palpus slender. But this new species is dcstinct from the E,ulmi in the stylophore sligthly cleft anteriorly, first dorsocentral hysterosomals about two third length of first dorsolateral hysterosomals (Wang, 1977). And is distinct from the E. recki in the dorsal setae setiform, tapering distally (Bagdasan, 1957). On Ulmus sp. Hwa Chin pool, Lintong, Shaanxi Province. Eurvtetranychus fengchengcnsis n.sp. (Figs.6-7) This new species is similar to E .ulmi Wang, 1977, in having the dorsal body s(trae more than one-half the distance between their bases, but this new species is dertinct from the latter in the tarsus of palpus shorter, length only sligthly longer than width of their bases;first dorsocentral hysterosomals about one-half length of first dorsolateral hysterosomals (Wang, 1977)). On Ulmus sp.;Fengcheng, Jiangxi Province.
Ma En-pei;Yuan Yi-lan(Shanghai College of Agriculture;Museum of Natural History,Shanghai)