蚬寄蝇属(Erycilla Mesnil,1957)是膝芒寄蝇亚科(Goniinae)中一个较小的属,在古北区已发现有4种,东洋区尚无记载,目前在我国北方已发现有3种,其中有两个新种,另一种为我国新记录。本文仅对新种进行记述,已知种的主要鉴别特征列入检索表中加以说明。新种模式标本均保存于中国科学院动物研究所。
Three species of Erycilla Mesnil were collected from the north of China,among them two are new to science and one is new to China.The types of the new species are deposited in the Institute of Zoology,Academia Sinica.1.Erycilla flavipruina Chao ct Liang,sp.nov.This species resembles Er.amoena Mesnil,but is easily recognized by the well developed hairs on the ventral surface of second costal sector,by the shorter distance between the bend of vein m and m-cu,which as 1.2 times long as distance between the bend of vein m and wing margin,and by the forceps of male illustrated in figs.2 A and B.Body length.
Chao Chienming;Liang Enyi(Institute of Zoology,Academia Sinica;Zhanjiang Agricultural College,Guangdong)