灵长类胃的形态结构与食物有着密切关系,像其它哺乳动物一样,是对食物的选择性适应和历史发展的必然结果。一些猴类的胃的形态结构、发酵与营养需要等已有较详细的研究(Owen,1833—35,Sonntag,1921;Ayer,1948;Hill,1952;Kunn,1964和Siwek,1979等)。Chivers and Hladik(1980)用肠差异系数对48种哺乳动物180个个体的胃肠道形态结构与食物的关系作了较详细的讨论和评述。
This paper deals with gross and histological features of the stomachcs in three species of Rhinopithecus,viz.R.roxellanae,R.bieti and R.brelichi distributing in our country.Thorough examination of them shows that the basic structures of stomaches are clossly similar to that occuring in Colobidac,especially Prcsbytis entellus,?omc main characters presented in them are as follows.1.The fundus is a very dilated part showing sacculations similar to those in other Colobidae,especially to that described by Ayer (1948) in Scmnopith-eecus entellus,but it is divided into two blind sacs separated by intervening vertical septa,and communicating with each other between them,instead of a simple one as in entellus.It is presumed here that this fact may be considered as one of the diagnostic peculiarties of the genus Rhinopithecus.2.In Rhinopithecus,the mucous membrane extending from the oesophagus to the cardiac region is a multi-angulatecl leaflet in shape differing from the figures given by Ayer (1948) and Hill (1952).It seems possible that this shape and the range of the distribution are also one of the special features in the genus Rhino pithecus.3.The muscular coats on the gastric wall confirmed the arrangement of the fibres described and depicted by Ayer (1948) in Semnopit hecus entellus.But there are some differences as follws.(a) There are a few distribution of longitudinal muscle fibres on the body of the stomach;(b) In centra] region concentrating the circular muscle fibres on the fundus,circular muscle fibres are present in roxellanae,or become decussated fibres in bieti and brelichi,while the circular muscle fibres on the centra] region arc dificient in S,entellus described by Ayer (1948).4.Snub-nosed Monkeys eat leaves almost entirely.They have no cheek-pouch.According to the distributions of both gastric glands and bacteria,and the variation of pH value,it may indicate that the fundus and the body of the stomach play only the role of the insalivation and the fermentation while the pylorus plays the role of the alimentary organ as occurcd in the other Colobidac.
Peng Yanzhang;Zhang Yaoping;Ye Zhizhang;Liu Shuilin(Kunming Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica)