

The Legal Doctrinal System of the Resolution Behavior of the Owners’Meeting in the Civil Code
摘要 业主大会和业主委员会均可在各自职责范围内作出决议行为。业主大会决议事项为区分所有建筑物共有部分和共同管理事务。业主成员权是建筑物区分所有权的有机组成部分,业主成员权主要包括共同管理权、知情权和监督权。业主大会决议行为是业主行使共同管理权的重要方式。业主大会决议成立是判断其效力是否存在瑕疵的前提,其要件包括:业主大会会议外观的存在,业主委员会向全体业主发送会议通知或者公告并召集业主大会会议;业主大会实际作出决议;业主大会决议满足多数决要求。侵害业主合法权益或者违反法律、行政法规规定的召集程序、表决方式的业主大会或者业主委员会决议,属可撤销。不能因为业主大会决议违反管理规约而认定该业主大会决议行为可撤销。业主大会或者业主委员会作出的决议违反法律或者行政法规的效力性强制性规定的,该决议无效。越权决议行为因未经有追认权人追认而导致终局无效。 Both the owners’meeting and the owners’committee may make resolutions within their respective responsibilities.The resolutions of owners’meeting are matters about common part of ownership and common management services.The owner member right is an organic part of the differentiated ownership of the building,and the owner member right mainly includes the right of common management,the right to know and the right of supervision.The resolution behavior of the owners’meeting is an important way for the owners to exercise the right of common management.The establishment of the resolution of the owners’meeting is the premise to judge whether there are defects in its effectiveness,and its elements include:the actual existence of the owners’meeting;the owners’committee sends a meeting notice or announcement to all the owners and convenes the owners’meeting;the owners’meeting actually makes a resolution;the owners’meeting resolution meets the requirement of majority consent.Resolutions of the owners’meeting or owners’committee that infringe upon the legitimate rights and interests of the owners or violate the convening procedures and voting methods prescribed by laws and administrative regulations shall be revocable.The resolution of the owners’meeting shall not be deemed to be revocable because it violates the management statute.If the resolution made by the owners’meeting or the owners’committee violates the mandatory provisions on the effectiveness of laws or administrative regulations,the resolution shall be invalid.The act of ultra vires resolution is invalid in the end because it has not been ratified by the confirmor.
作者 王雷 Wang Lei
出处 《法治社会》 2022年第5期67-79,共13页 Law-Based Society
基金 2020年国家社科基金一般项目“《民法典》中的参照适用条款研究”(项目批准号:20BFX103)的研究成果。
关键词 民法典 业主大会 决议行为 业主委员会 团体法 Civil Code Owners’Meeting Resolution Behavior Owners’Committee Group Law
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