
国际图联《马拉喀什条约入门——图书馆员指南》解析与启示 被引量:1

Analysis and Enlightenment from IFLA’s Getting Started with the Marrakesh Treaty-a Guide for Librarians
摘要 《马拉喀什条约》通过版权限制或例外丰富了无障碍版本资源获取,能够深化图书馆无障碍阅读服务。国际图联关注各国对条约的施行推广,其发布的多语言多版本《马拉喀什条约入门——图书馆员指南》为各国图书馆提供了可资参考的实践模板。通过对该指南的内容解析及评价,认为其在工作规范建立、条约宣传、馆员能力提升、资源建设、阅读推广形式等方面,能为我国图书馆应用条约提供实务性工作指导,促进条约在我国落地实施。 The Marrakesh Treaty has enriched the access to accessible version resources through copyright limitations or exceptions. The ratification and implementation of the treaty in my country will deepen the accessibility of library reading services. IFLA pays attention to the implementation and promotion of the treaty in various countries, and its multilingual and multi-version Getting Started with the Marrakesh Treaty-a Guide for Librarians provides a practical template for national libraries to refer to. Through the analysis and evaluation of the content of the guide, it is believed that it can provide practical work guidance for the application of the treaty in Chinese libraries in terms of work specification establishment, treaty publicity, librarian ability improvement, resource construction, and reading promotion forms, and promote the application of the treaty in Chinese libraries.
作者 李鹏 Li Peng
机构地区 山东大学图书馆
出处 《河北科技图苑》 2022年第5期91-96,共6页 Hebei Library Journal of Science and Technology
关键词 国际图联 《马拉喀什条约》 图书馆 服务指南 IFLA Marrakesh Treaty Library Service Guide
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