
A Case Report on Application of Multimodal Imaging to an Alcoholic Cardiomyopathic Patient Undergoing Heart Transplantation

摘要 Alcoholic cardiomyopathy(ACM)is a dilated cardiomyopathy induced by excessive alcohol consumption that causes progressive cardiac dysfunction and chamber dilatation,leading to arrhythmias,heart failure,and death.Cardiac transplantation is the final measure for end-stage ACM.In this case,we used multimodal imaging for ACM diagnosis in a patient with refractory heart failure.The patient received a heart transplant with a good prognosis,and his pathological results after the transplant confirmed our suspected diagnosis.End-stage ACM may lead to refractory heart failure and multimodal imaging may play an important role in the diagnosis,prognosis prediction,and follow-up study of suspected ACM.
出处 《Cardiology Discovery》 2022年第3期197-201,共5页 心血管病探索(英文)
基金 supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(82060312) Yunnan Applied Basic Research Projects(2018FE001(-039),202101AT070249) Fund of Yunnan Province Clinical Research Center for Interventional Medicine(202102AA100067) Graduate Innovation Fund of Kunming Medical University(2021S185).
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