
Endoscopic ultrasound elastography for malignant pancreatic masses and associated lymph nodes:Critical evaluation of strain ratio cutoff value

摘要 BACKGROUND Endoscopic ultrasound(EUS)can detect small lesions throughout the digestive tract;however,it remains challenging to accurately identify malignancies with this approach.EUS elastography measures tissue hardness,by which malignant and nonmalignant pancreatic masses(PMs)and lymph nodes(LNs)can be differentiated.However,there is currently little information regarding the strain ratio(SR)cutoff in Hispanic populations.AIM To determine the diagnostic accuracy of EUS elastography for PMs and LNs with an SR cutoff value in Hispanics.METHODS A retrospective study of patients who underwent EUS elastography for PMs between December 2013 and December 2014.A qualitative(analysis of color maps)and quantitative(SR)analysis of PMs and their associated LNs was performed.The accuracy of EUS elastography in identifying malignant PMs and LNs and cutoff value for SR were analyzed.A PM and/or its associated LNs were considered malignant based on histopathological findings from fine-needle aspiration biopsy samples.RESULTS A sample of 121 patients was included,45.4%of whom were female.69(57.0%)PMs were histologically malignant,with a median SR of 50.4 vs 33.0 for malignant vs nonmalignant masses(P<0.001).EUS evaluation identified associated LNs in 43/121 patients(35.5%),in whom 22/43(51.2%)patients had histologically confirmed malignant diagnosis,with a median SR of 30 vs 40 for malignant vs nonmalignant LNs(P=0.7182).In detecting malignancy in PMs,an SR cutoff value of>21.5 yielded a sensitivity of 94.2%,while a cutoff value of>121 yielded a specificity of 96.2.2%.There were significant differences in the Giovannini scores,a previously established elastic score system,between the patients grouped by their final histology results(P<0.001).For LNs,SR cutoff values of>14.0 and>155 yielded a sensitivity of 90.9%and a specificity of 95.2%,respectively,in detecting malignancy.CONCLUSION EUS elastography is a helpful technique for the diagnosis of solid PMs and their associated LNs.The proposed SR cutoff values have a high sensitivity and specificity for the detection of malignancy.
出处 《World Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy》 2022年第9期524-535,共12页 世界胃肠内镜杂志(英文版)(电子版)
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