
游戏地图著作权侵权的司法认定路径--以战术竞技FPS游戏为视角 被引量:2

The Judicial Path of Determining Copyright Infringement of Game Map--From the Perspective of Tactical Competitive FPS Games
摘要 游戏地图兼具美术作品和图形作品的基本特征,近年来成为被“换皮”抄袭的重灾区,如仅按美术作品保护,恐怕力有不逮。在具体纠纷中,要结合游戏地图的特征,区分其中的思想与表达,识别其核心表达,进而合理界定作品类型。对于战术竞技FPS游戏而言,游戏地图虽有一定美感,但主要服务于实用功能,其创作重心和受众关注要点在于内部空间布局结构而非表皮美术,大地图、小地图均可认定为图形作品。游戏地图侵权比对应遵循整体观察、综合判断的原则,如整体观感相似,还要对相似部分按照“抽象分离法”进行分析和解构,剔除不受著作权法保护的部分,对剩余部分综合评判是否构成实质性相似,最终保护游戏地图作者的独创性表达。 Game map,which have the basic characteristics of both art wor ks and graphic works,have become the most affected area of"skin-changing"plagiarism in recent years,and I am afraid that it is not enough to protect them only as art works.In specific disputes,We should distinguish the ideas an d expressions of the game map according to its characteristics,identify the core expressions,and then reasonably define the types of works.For tactical competitive FPS games,although the game map has a certain aesthetic feeling,it mainly serves the practical function,and the focus of its creation and the key points of the audience attention concentrated on the internal layout and structure rather than the external Artistic effect,so large-game-map and small-game-map can be judicial identified as graphic wo rks.Infringement comparison of game map should adhere to the principle of overall observation and comprehensive judgm ent.If the overall view is similar,the similar parts should be analyzed and deconstructed according to the"abstract separa tion method",the parts that are not protected by copyright law should be eliminated,and the remaining parts shoul d be comprehensively judged in order to determine whether they are substantially similar or not,so as to protect the original expression of the game map authors finally.
作者 王晓明 陈中山 Wang Xiaoming;Chen Zhongshan
出处 《电子知识产权》 2022年第9期90-100,共11页 Electronics Intellectual Property
关键词 游戏地图 著作权 图形作品 实质性相似 Game Map Copyright Graphic Works Substantial Similarity
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  • 4Nichols v. Universal Pictures Corp. , 45 F. 2d 119, 121 (2d Cir. 1930).
  • 5Concrete Mach. Co. v. Classic Lawn Ornaments, 843 F. 2d 600,608 -09 (lst Cir. 1988).
  • 6Cooling Systems & Flexibles, Inc. v. Stuart Radiator 777 F.2d 485 (9th Cir. 1985).
  • 7Amstein v. Porter, 154 F. 2d 464,468 (2d Cir. 1946).
  • 8Roth Greeting Cards v. United Card Co.429 F. 2d 1106, 1110 (9th Cir. 1970).
  • 9Sid & Marry Krofft Television Productions, Inc. v. MeDonald Corp. 562 F. 2d 1157 (9th Cir. 1977).
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