The steam superheater of a 280kt/a styrene unit has increased the load of the unit with the increase of the operation cycle.The exhaust gas temperature has gradually increased from 125 ℃ to 160 ℃, the thermal efficiency has decreased from 92.5% to 91.4%, and the nitrogen oxides in the flue gas have also exceeded the standard from time to time. In order to solve the above problems, special research and demonstration were organized, and a set of scientific technical transformation scheme was implemented. The main contents of the technical transformation include adding a condensate heat exchanger before the stripper, adding finned tubes in the convection section of the heating furnace, and using low nitrogen burners. The technical application has achieved the expected effect. The exhaust gas temperature of the heating furnace is reduced to about 105 ℃, the thermal efficiency is increased to 93.5%, and the nitrogen oxide content in the flue gas is reduced to below 65mg/m^(3), Which is much lower than the national emission standard.
conserve energy
reduce emissions