
微更新应对城市非正规性的探索与思考——以广州城中村集体物业为例 被引量:1

An Exploration of Micro-renewal in Response to Urban Informality:A Case Study of the Collective Property of an Urban Village in Guangzhou
摘要 以广州村集体物业更新改造政策与实践为例,阐述城中村物业如何突破非正规性的约束实现产业与空间品质的提升。从非正规性概念与村集体物业改造困境出发,采用文献资料搜集分析、实地踏勘调研、深度访谈,发现产业导向的微更新对于城中村非正规性治理的价值与创新,在提升空间品质、回应社会需求的同时,用渐进主义的态度策略性地保留了非正规性,为非正规物业进入市场创造了途径。市场主导的微更新相对全面改造,存在回避规划建管层面审批、合法性不足的局限,应当基于非正规性的特征和需求,对城乡建设管理的“例外状态”进行规划引导。 The collective property of the urban village is the typical representative of urban informality in China and is also the main object in urgent need of governance promotion.In recent years,under the background of industry-oriented urban renewal,less attention has been paid to many low-quality and inefficient urban village collective properties.At present,the confirmation of the legitimacy of the current construction of urban villages in China can only be carried out through demolition and reconstruction for transformation.However,the redevelopment of collective construction land is a long and gradual process.Its dilemma lies in the conflict between cognitive property rights and legal property rights,the comparison of costs and risks of all parties,and the social change of village governance to urban governance.All are difficult to achieve overnight.The urgency of renovating and upgrading village collective properties and the market demand for village collective land have contributed to the emergence of market-oriented microrenewal.In the process of micro-renewal,because of its special land ownership mechanism,the traditional planning method is often ineffective,and the informal rules are even more backwards.Under the background of national and local policies to support entrepreneurship and innovation and encourage the spatial quality and industrial upgrading of the old factory buildings via microrenewal,the innovative case of micro-renewal of the village collective property in Guangzhou was used to explore the dynamic mechanism by which the micro-renewal model can operate and the characteristics of micro-renewal to cope with informality.Suggestions and perspectives on how planning management can respond to micro-renewal and how planning governance can intervene in informality were put forward based on the innovation and limitations of micro-renewal.Based on the urban informality theory,the policy and practice on the renewal of the collective property of the village in Guangzhou were taken as examples.An analysis,field survey,and in-depth interviews with local grass-roots planning and construction administrators,the main enterprise staff,and related planning designers were conducted through the literature to obtain information.Further,how urban village property can break through the constraints of informality to realise the improvement of industry and space quality was explained.While improving the quality of space and responding to social needs,micro-renewal strategically preserves informality in a gradualist approach and creates a way for informal properties to enter the market.This can be understood as a concession to the informality of urban villages.Although the informal nature of their property rights has not been changed,the micro-renewal realises quality improvement,realizes efficiency enhancement,provides a new way to deal with the informality,breaks through the constraint of the informality on property development,and retains the innovative and dynamic resources,high flexibility,and mobility of the collective property of the village.What has changed is the informal leasing market and the vacuum zone of government regulation.What has not changed is the vague property rights.However,compared with comprehensive transformation,micro-renewal does not fundamentally reverse the structural problems of the informal construction space.It also fails to solve the holistic and long-term problems of the urban village.Industry-oriented micro-renewal has positive value and innovation for the governance of informality in urban villages,but its limitation is mainly that it is an"exceptional state"of urban and rural construction management.It is restricted by the avoidance of examination and approval at the level of planning,construction and management,and lack of legality.Therefore,it should be planned and guided per the principles of proper decentralisation and flexible management,while safeguarding the public interest and the bottom line.The object of governance and the process of micro-renewal cases indicate that imposing established institutions and norms on informality is a simplistic response with bottlenecks that should be reviewed.Further,the urban and rural planning governance to address informality requires full consideration of its characteristics,needs and laws.
作者 刘垚 刘利雄 易智康 马洪俊 LIU Yao;LIU Lixiong;YI Zhikang;MA Hongjun
出处 《南方建筑》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第10期71-79,共9页 South Architecture
基金 广东省哲学社会科学规划项目(GD20YYS08):场景理论视角下广州历史街区更新活化评估及其干预策略研究 广东省社科规划“两区专项”(GD20SQ16):城市更新助推粤港澳大湾区建设宜居宜业宜游的优质生活圈研究 亚热带建筑科学国家重点实验室开放课题(2018ZB07):灾后安全重建视角的城市公共空间特色塑造研究。
关键词 非正规性 微更新 城中村集体物业 informality micro-renewal collective properties of urban village
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