

Study of drug shortages based on the online monitoring data
摘要 目的 分析我国网络平台对药品短缺的报道,研究网络平台关注的短缺药品的特征,为保障药品供应与药品短缺预警提供参考。方法 基于国家互联网信息办公室的网络信息系统搜索国内新闻网站、客户端、微信公众号、微博、博客、论坛和贴吧等网络平台2018年7月~2019年7月关于“药品短缺”的报道,提取新闻来源、药品短缺现状、原因及相关政策的信息。结果 共收集到有效数据1 723条,主要来源于新闻网站平台,涉及80种短缺药品。其中基本药物短缺最多(占76.25%);报道频率最高的药品是抗癌靶向药;药品短缺关注度最高的月份为2019年7月。结论 我国目前抗癌类药和基本药物的短缺较为严峻,且药品短缺存在地域性差异。国内药品短缺相关政策还不够完善,制药企业对利润较低药物的生产积极性不高,对疫苗等生物制品的研发能力较弱。建议将网络监测数据与医疗机构监测平台的信息进行对比整合,针对性地激励低利润药品生产,完善药品研发产业政策,突出药物政策地域性特征,从而保障基本药物供应。 Objective To analyze the drug shortages reports posted on web platform, summarize the characteristics of these shortly supplied drugs, and to provide evidence to drug supply and drug shortages warning.Methods We collected the domestic news about drug shortages using the searching engine of Cyberspace Administration of China. The news captured were reported on different kinds of network platforms including news websites, clients, WeChat, Weibo, Blog, BBS, Post Bar, etc. from July 2018 to July 2019. We analyzed the source, drug shortage status, reasons and related policies related to drug shortages in these reports.Results A total of 1 723 related news were included, of which, 80 kinds of drugs in shortage were reported. Among these shortage drugs, mostly were essential medicines(76.25%).According to the reporting frequency, the medicine ranked first was targeted anti-cancer medicine. Drug shortages caught highest attention in July 2019.Conclusion Anti-cancer and essential drugs experienced extremely shortages in China.Drug shortages varied among different areas. Domestic pharmaceutical companies showed less interest in low-margin drugs production, and had less research development capability in bio-pharmaceuticals production.By integrating the information provided both by the web and medical institutions, it will provide a more accurate information of drug shortages in China. To ensure drug supply, more policies should be released to encourage pharmaceutical companies to produce low-profit drugs, improve the research and development capability.
作者 马棪斐 项程 叶丹 袁志远 薛飞 杨才君 MA Yanfei;XIANG Cheng;YE Dan;YUAN Zhiyuan;XUE Fei;YANG Caijun(School of Pharmacy,Xi’an Jiaotong University,Xi’an 710061,China;Department of Pharmacy,Hospital of Stomatology,Air Force Medical University,Xi’an 710032,China;Department of Pharmacy,Xi’an No.3 Hospital,Xi’an 710018,China;School of Management,Xi’an Jiaotong University,Xi’an 710061,China)
出处 《西北药学杂志》 CAS 2022年第6期170-174,共5页 Northwest Pharmaceutical Journal
基金 国家自然科学基金青年项目(编号:71503197)。
关键词 药品短缺 网络信息监测 药品供应 drug shortages web information monitoring drug supply
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