

Driving forces and spatio-temporal differentiation of pollutants discharge from industrial wastewater and domestic sewage in Fujian Province
摘要 采用对数平均迪氏指数方法,区分生产和生活两个体系,构建时空分解分析模型,追踪了福建省9个设区市2011—2019年水污染物排放变化的关键驱动力及其贡献的时空差异.结果显示:研究期内福建省工业废水污染物排放持续减少,并且各驱动力贡献的区域差距明显变小,趋于平衡;生活污水污染物排放量仍保持高位,各驱动力贡献的区域差距基本保持不变.其中,经济规模扩张是福建省水污染物排放的主导驱动力,主要源于福州、厦门、泉州经济赶超发展影响;城镇化发展对区域生活污水污染物排放的驱动影响表现为增排效应,以福州和厦门尤为显著;工业化发展对区域工业废水污染物排放的影响效应由正驱动逐渐转变为负驱动,这主要归功于三明和泉州产业结构调整优化的拉动效应;技术效应一直是福建省水污染物排放控制的重要驱动力,但部分地区已逐渐步入生活污染物技术减排攻坚期. The driving forces and their spatio-temporal differences of pollutants discharge variance of nine cities in Fujian Province from 2011—2019 are explored by using the Logarithmic Mean Divisia Index Method,from industrial waste water and domestic sewage individually.Conclusions are as follows:The industrial pollutants discharge in Fujian Province decreased continually,and the regional gap of the contributions among each driving forces tend to be narrowed during the study period.While the domestic pollutants discharge had a growth,and regional differences of the contributions of the driving forces stayed the same.Economic growth is the major factor leading to the increase of COD and NH_(3)-N discharge in Fujian Province,mainly resulting from the catching-up economic development of Fuzhou,Xiamen and Quanzhou.Urbanization also made a contribution to the growth of COD and NH_(3)-N discharge from domestic sewage,especially in Xiamen and Fuzhou.Industrialization effect on industrial COD and NH_(3)-N discharge changed gradually from positive to negative,which was mainly attributed to the pull effects of industrial structure adjustment in Sanming and Quanzhou.Technology effect had a dominant decremental contribution to COD and NH_(3)-N discharge in Fujian Province,while some cities have gradually entered a critical stage of technological discharge reduction of domestic COD and NH_(3)-N.
作者 张晨 魏庭阳 王远 朱晓东 ZHANG Chen;WEI Tingyang;WANG Yuan;ZHU Xiaodong(Institute of Geography,Fujian Normal University,Fuzhou 350007;Fujian Provincial Key Laboratory for Subtropical Resources and Environment,Fujian Normal University,Fuzhou 350007;School of Geographical Sciences,Fujian Normal University,Fuzhou 350007;State Key Laboratory of Pollution Control and Resource Reuse,School of the Environment,Nanjing University,Nanjing 210023)
出处 《环境科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第9期485-494,共10页 Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae
基金 福建省公益类科研院所专项(No.2020R1002008)。
关键词 水污染物排放 驱动力 时空分解模型 LMDI技术 福建省 water pollutant discharge driving force spatiotemporal decomposition model Logarithmic Mean Divisia Index Method Fujian Province
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