

Phenomenon of the Premier League Lining up to Welcome the Champion: an Analysis of the Lack of Chinese Football Culture
摘要 为探讨足球传统文化的缺失对中国足球的影响,寻求中国足球发展的正能量变革,该文运用文献资料法和对比研究法,从英超联赛列队欢迎冠军队伍入场的仪式寻找英格兰足球的传统文化支撑。战争获胜者游戏、骑士制度和绅士礼仪是英格兰足球发展的文化支撑体系,公平竞争、勇敢拼搏、公正和荣誉感成为英国足球的完美体现。通过对比发现中国足球在百年的发展过程中没有形成特有的文化,诚信和公平的缺失、拼搏精神不足和荣誉感缺失以及绅士精神的缺乏都成为阻碍中国足球发展的禁锢。 The objective is to explore the impact of the lack of traditional football culture on Chinese football and to seek the positive energy transformation of Chinese football development. This paper uses the method of literature and comparative research to find the traditional cultural support of England football from the ceremony of the Premier League lining up to welcome the champions. The winner’s game, chivalry and gentlemen’s etiquette are the cultural support system for the development of England football. Fair competition, brave struggle, justice and a sense of honor have become the perfect embodiment of England football. Through comparison, it is found that Chinese football has not formed a unique culture in the development process of one hundred years. The lack of integrity and fairness, the lack of fighting spirit and sense of honor, and the lack of gentleman spirit have all become the shackles hindering the development of Chinese football.
作者 王莉 WANG Li(Department of Physical Education,Luoyang Polytechnic,Luoyang,Henan Province,471000 China)
出处 《当代体育科技》 2022年第27期119-123,共5页 Contemporary Sports Technology
关键词 足球传统文化 列队欢迎 骑士文化 绅士文化 Football traditional culture Lining up welcome Knight culture Gentleman culture
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