
历史、伦理与世情——论梁晓声《人世间》的现实主义范式 被引量:1

History,Ethics and Human Relationship:On the Realistic Paradigm of A Lifelong Journey by Liang Xiaosheng
摘要 梁晓声长篇小说《人世间》在建筑与历史记忆、代际与伦理承变、人性幽微与世情采写之间进行叙事架构,历史、伦理与世情构成小说的核心元素。其历史书写,以建筑群为记忆主体,呈现时代变迁轨迹,揭示阶层差异;其伦理书写,以公共秩序和家庭关系的代际叙事,描摹出民间伦理的具体样态;其世情采写,直面社会痼疾与人性之恶,弘扬传统伦理与民间温情。小说既具有现实主义创作“历史的”深度,又具有现实主义创作“美学的”高度,堪称现实主义范式下中国当代文学的标杆之作。 As the writer of the novel A Lifelong Journey,Liang Xiaosheng tells historical memory by describing architecture,with which intergenerational ethic and subtle human nature constitute the narrative structure.History,ethics and human relationship constitute the core elements of the novel.His historical writing takes buildings as the main memory,presents the trajectory of the times and reveals class differences;his ethical writing depicts the specific form of folk ethics with the intergenerational narrative of public order and family relations;Chronic diseases and the evil of human nature carry forward traditional ethics and folk warmth.The novel has both the“historical”depth and“aesthetic”height of realist creation,which can be called a benchmark of Chinese contemporary literature under the realist paradigm.
作者 孙桂芝 王志萍 SUN Guizhi;WANG Zhiping(College of Liberal Arts,Liaoning University,Shenyang 110036,China;Chinese Language Department,Changji University,Changji 831100,China)
出处 《湖南工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2022年第5期114-120,共7页 Journal of Hunan University of Technology(Social Science Edition)
基金 国家社会科学重大项目“文学理论中国范式研究”(19ZDA266)。
关键词 梁晓声 《人世间》 历史书写 伦理书写 世情采写 现实主义范式 Liang Xiaosheng A Lifelong Journey historical writing ethical writing writing of human relationship realistic paradigm
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