
粤港澳大湾区产业创新与产业优势融合的时空演化格局 被引量:10

Spatial and temporal changes of the integration of industrial innovation andindustrial advantages in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area
摘要 粤港澳大湾区作为中国实施“双循环”战略、产业转型升级的先行区,将产业创新与产业优势有效融合才能实现产业的高质量发展。论文运用偏离—份额分析法、耦合协调度模型对粤港澳大湾区地级城市单元2000—2020年工业各行业的创新优势与产业优势的时空匹配关系进行研究,并重点关注了珠三角9市与港澳创新联系和产业优势的关系。研究发现:大湾区各城市创新的工业行业分布格局虽然不同,但均呈现向计算机通信和其他电子设备制造、仪器仪表制造等行业集中的趋势;同时各地市在计算机通信和其他电子设备制造、通用设备制造、专用设备制造、仪器仪表制造等行业具有产业优势,且与创新的融合度较高,但在交通运输设备制造、化学原料制品、纺织等优势行业的创新融合度较低;珠三角城市与港澳地区的创新联系不断加强,尤以广州、深圳两市的联系强度最高。最后,从促进大湾区融合创新、产创协同的角度提出政策建议。研究从实证角度为理解产业链创新链融合的空间和部门属性提供了理论与现实依据。 The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area(GBA),as a pioneer to implement the"dual circulation"strategy and promote industrial upgrading in China,needs to combine effectively industrial innovation with industrial advantages in order to achieve high-quality development of the industry.This study used the shift-share analysis method and the coupling coordination degree model to explore the temporal and spatial matching relationship between the innovation advantages and industrial competitiveness of various sectors in the GBA from 2000 to 2020,with a focus on the innovation linkages between the nine mainland cities and Hong Kong.The results indicate that although the industrial structures of innovation and production in different cities varied,all cities showed a trend of agglomerating on the sectors of manufacture of measuring instruments and machinery,metal products machinery and equipment repairing,manufacture of computers,communication and other electronic equipment,manufacture of special equipment,manufacture of general equipment,manufacture of electrical machinery and apparatus,and manufacture of raw chemical materials and chemical products.The division and cooperation pattern of production and innovation based on the industrial chain between core and periphery cities has formed within the GBA.However,the coupling coordination performances of different sectors in the cities differed.Because of the spatial and sectoral configuration of innovation chain and production chain,only the sector of equipment manufacturing with highly developed horizontal and vertical production connection in the core cities with good economic and innovation environment could realize the integration of innovation chain and production chain.At present,only in Shenzhen,Dongguan,and Guangzhou cities the innovation advantage in the sectors of manufacture of computers,communication and other electronic equipment,manufacture of measuring instruments and machinery,manufacture of special equipment,manufacture of general equipment,and manufacture of electrical machinery and apparatus are well integrated with industrial advantages.In other cities,most of the advantageous industries are still in a state of receiving insufficient support of innovation.The competitive advantages of manufacture of computers and communication and other electronic equipment are strongly supported with innovation only in Shenzhen and Dongguan.The sectors with structural advantages such as manufacture of transportation equipment and ferrous metallurgy,and sectors with competitive advantages such as non-metallic products,non-ferrous metal smelting and processing,rubber and plastics,and furniture manufacturing of many cities lack strong innovation support.Also,while the innovation connection between mainland cities and Hong Kong is constantly strengthening,it is mainly agglomerated in Guangzhou and Shenzhen.Hence,this article puts forward policy recommendations on further promoting the integrated development of industrial innovation in the GBA.Furthermore,this paper provides a theoretical and practical basis for understanding the spatial and sectoral configuration of integration of industrial chain and innovation chain from an empirical perspective.
作者 马丽 龚忠杰 许堞 MALi;GONG Zhongjie;XU Die(Key Laboratory of Regional Sustainable Development Modeling,Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research,CAS,Beijing 100101,China;College of Resources and Environment,University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China)
出处 《地理科学进展》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2022年第9期1579-1591,共13页 Progress in Geography
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(42071158)。
关键词 产业创新 产业优势 耦合协调度 粤港澳大湾区 industrial innovation industrial advantage coupling coordination degree Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area
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