

Influence of flood exposure on PTSD and PTG:The moderating role of emergency support
摘要 目的:研究河南郑州720特大暴雨洪涝灾害后个体急性应激性障碍症状和创伤后成长(PTG)程度及其影响因素。方法:采用洪灾暴露量表、应激障碍核查表、创伤后成长量表及应急支持量表对426名成年被试进行调查。结果:创伤后应激障碍筛查阳性率为20.39%,创伤后成长发生率为44.74%;灾难暴露程度对PTSD和PTG有显著正向影响(β=0.30,0.23;P<0.01);应急支持与创伤暴露程度的交互项对应激障碍和PTG的预测作用显著(β=-0.21,0.13;P<0.05),具体而言,在低情感和低工具性资源支持下,灾难暴露程度能显著正向预测PTSD(Simple slope=1.44,1.54;P<0.001),在高情感资源支持下,灾难暴露程度能显著正向预测PTG(Simple slope=2.08,P<0.001),而工具性资源支持在灾难暴露程度对PTG的影响路径中调节作用不显著;Johnson-Neyman结果揭示了在本研究使用的测量工具的基础上,当灾难暴露程度的数值达到22.15时,应作为强化应急支持服务的预警指标,而只有当应急支持的水平达到63及以上时,可以缓解PTSD相关症状同时促进PTG。结论:应急支持是影响洪灾暴露与创伤后成长和应激障碍关系的重要因素。 Objective:To explore the relationship among disaster exposure, emergency support(ES) under natural disaster, PTSD and PTG.Methods:The PTSD Checklist for DSM-5,the Posttraumatic Growth Inventory, the Flood Exposure Questionnaire, and the Emergency Support Scale were administered to 426 individuals through social media Application.Results:The PTSD prevalence estimate in this study was found to be 20.39%,and the prevalence for PTG among the participants was measured at 44.74%.The degree of disaster exposure had a significant positive impact on PTSD and PTG(β=0.30,0.23;P<0.01).ES under disasters played roles in moderating the impact of disaster exposure on PTSD and PTG(β=-0.21,0.13;P<0.05).Specifically, with low psychological aid and low material supply, disaster exposure positively predicted PTSD(Simple slope=1.44,1.54;P<0.001);With high psychological support, disaster exposure positively predicted PTG(Simple slope=2.08,P<0.001);However, the material supply had no moderating effect on the relationship between disaster exposure and PTG.The Johnson-Neyman technique further revealed that: when the value of disaster exposure reached 22.15,it would be used as an early warning indicator for strengthening emergency support services;When the value of emergency support reached 63 or above, it would alleviate PTSD related symptoms and promote PTG.Conclusion:Emergency support is an important factor influencing the relationship between disaster exposure and PTSD(PTG).
作者 晋争 王一乐 赵凯宾 于欢 史怡明 高涵 JIN Zheng;WANG Yile;ZHAO Kaibin(International Joint Laboratory of Behavior and Cognitive Science,Zhengzhou Normal Univer-sity,Zhengzhou 450044,China)
出处 《中国健康心理学杂志》 北大核心 2022年第10期1452-1459,共8页 China Journal of Health Psychology
基金 科技部国家基地和人才专项项目(编号:G20190226012)。
关键词 创伤后应急障碍 创伤后成长 灾难暴露 应急支持 洪灾 紧急心理援助 PTSD PTG Disaster exposure Emergency support Flood Psychological first aid
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