Un salon de l'emploi efficace
1MOJO STUDIO,贺川(摄影).曲动的发丝 成都世纪精剪美发沙龙[J].室内设计与装修,2022(10):88-91.
2龚桓,吴京遥,温昕,无.流淌的空间记忆 江苏智能制造新都市产业园7号楼V+Salon改造设计[J].室内设计与装修,2022(11):26-31.
3Yoko Matsuoka,Shinji Hattori.Performance of Rural Municipalities After the 2015 Reformation of Long-Term Care Insurance in Japan[J].Sociology Study,2022,12(3):88-98.
4AMEM Editorial Office.One health, monkeypox prevention, and treatment: The second online academic salon on monkeypox virus by the Chinese Association for Laboratory Animal Sciences (August 26, 2022, Beijing, China)[J].Animal Models and Experimental Medicine,2022,5(5):487-488. 被引量:1