
深化政治交接 推动多党合作事业高质量发展

Strengthen Political Handover and Promote the High-Quality Development of Multiparty Cooperation
摘要 政治交接是民主党派换届的重要内容,也是加强中国特色社会主义参政党建设的重要内容。在国际格局加速演进、深度变化的今天,面对错综复杂的国际国内形势,胸怀“两个大局”的各民主党派深入学习中国共产党历史、致力于实现中华民族伟大复兴,更加高度重视政治交接在新时代中国特色社会主义参政党建设中的重要作用,凸显政治交接的鲜明政治性,不仅始终坚定正确政治方向,高度重视加强中国共产党对民主党派政治交接的政治领导,强调传承、发扬党派优良传统和铭记多党合作初心,而且大力加强五大能力建设,进一步加强自身建设,通过深化政治交接,努力真正成为中国共产党的好参谋、好帮手、好同事,同时深刻认识到中国共产党领导的多党合作和政治协商制度是从中国土壤中生长出来的新型政党制度,各民主党派政治交接必须把推进新型政党制度建设作为重中之重,努力走出一条以深化政治交接为抓手推动新时代多党合作事业实现新的更好更快更大发展的成功道路。 Political handover is a crucial component of the general election of the non-CPC political parties as well as an important part of strengthening the construction of parties participating in socialism with Chinese characteristics. The world is undergoing rapid development and changes.The non-CPC political parties,in the face of the complex international and domestic situation,must keep in mind both our internal and international imperatives,study the history of the Communist Party of China,and devote themselves to achieving the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. They must attach greater emphasis to the crucial role of political handover in the construction of socialist participation parties in the new era with Chinese characteristics. To highlight the distinctive political character of political handover,it is essential to stay firm in the right political direction and attach great importance to strengthening the political guidance of the CPC in the political handover. The non-CPC political parties should emphasize the historical heritage and carry forward the fine traditions,stay firm in their convictions of the Party-led multiparty cooperation,and vigorously strengthen the construction of the“five major capabilities”. By deepening the political handover,the non-CPC political parties should further strengthen themselves and strive to become excellent advisers,helpers and partners of the CPC. At the same time,the non-CPC political parties should deeply understand that the system of multiparty cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the CPC is a new model grown out of the soil of China. In order to advance the cause of multiparty cooperation,the political handover must prioritize the advancement of China’s political party system and work to pave the way for its deeper,faster,and more significant development.
作者 朱继东 Zhu Jidong(Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,Beijing 100732,China)
出处 《贵州省党校学报》 2022年第5期27-35,共9页 Journal of Guizhou Provincial Party School
基金 国家社科基金重点项目“新中国成立以来社会主义意识形态建设的基本经验及启示研究”(项目批准号:20AKS020)阶段性研究成果。
关键词 政治交接 民主党派 参政党 多党合作 新型政党制度 political handover non-CPC political parties parties’participation in governance multi-party cooperation new political party system
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