
污水水质参数与精神活性物质检测准确度的相关性初探 被引量:1

The Correlation Study between the Sewage Parameters and the Accuracy of Psychoactive Substances Detection
摘要 目的 探究污水基质对精神活性物质检测结果的影响,为科学、准确评估毒情提供参考依据。方法 通过固相萃取-液相色谱-多级质谱(SPE-LC-MS/MS)联用技术,以山东省东营市某污水处理厂进口污水为基础水样,分析5种精神活性物质(氯胺酮、去甲氯胺酮、苯甲酰爱康宁、3,4-亚甲二氧基甲基苯丙胺、吗啡)加标前后的含量,并检测不同样品的化学需氧量、总磷、氨氮和生化需氧量,利用主成分分析法探究了污水水质参数与目标物检测含量之间的关系并进行相关性拟合。结果 证实了化学需氧量与各目标物之间呈正相关,生化需氧量与各目标物之间呈负相关,氨氮和总磷与目标物之间相关性较弱。同时利用Matlab软件对目标物与化学需氧量和生化需氧量之间的相关性建模,初步确定了有限条件下污水水质参数与目标物含量之间的关系并进行验证。结论 在应用污水流行病学进行毒情评估时,应将水质参数的影响考虑在内,以期令目标物检测结果更符合真实环境。 Objective The purpose of this paper is to explore the influence of sewage matrix on the detection results of psychoactive substances, and to provide a reference for scientific and accurate toxicological assessment. Methods Through solid phase extraction-liquid chromatography-multistage mass spectrometry( SPE-LC-MS/MS), the concentrations of five psychoactive substances( KET, NK, BZE, MDMA and MOR) in sewage samples collected from Dongying City, Shandong Province was tested before and after standard addition. The samples’ chemical oxygen demand, total phosphorus, ammonia nitrogen and biochemical oxygen demand were determined by potassium dichromate method, phosphomolybdate blue method, salicylic acid method and pressure method, respectively. The relationship between the sewage parameters and the detected concentrations of the target substances was explored by principal component analysis(PCA) method and the correlation was fitted.Results It showed a certain relationship between the water quality parameters and the detected contents of the target substances, including positive correlation of chemical oxygen demand and negative correlation of biochemical oxygen demand.There was weak correlation between ammonia nitrogen and total phosphorus and the targets. According to the experimental results and analysis data, the fitting equations with the independent variables of chemical oxygen demand and biochemical oxygen demand were established by Matlab software. Conclusion It is suggested that the influence of sewage parameters should be taken into consideration in the application of sewage epidemiology for toxicological assessment, in order to make the detection results more consistent with the real environment.
作者 房梦月 刘和平 陈志香 王娟 张海清 李先国 张大海 FANG Mengyue;LIU Heping;CHEN Zhixiang;WANG Juan;ZHANG Haiqing;LI Xianguo;ZHANG Dahai(College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,Ocean University of China,Qingdao 266100,China;Anti-drug Brigade ofPublic Security Department of Shandong Province,Jinan 250001,China;Dongying City Public Security Bureau,Dongying 257091,China)
出处 《中国司法鉴定》 2022年第5期57-66,共10页 Chinese Journal of Forensic Sciences
基金 山东省公安厅禁毒总队污水检测项目(20200366)。
关键词 污水流行病学 水质参数 精神活性物质 方法校正 wastewater-based epidemiology(WBE) water quality parameter psychoactive substance method correction
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