
基础技能数字零工工时与职业伤害 --基于外卖骑手数据的实证研究 被引量:9

Working Hours and Occupational Injuries of Basic-skilled Digital Gig Workers:Empirical Evidence from Food Delivery Riders
摘要 零工经济下,时空灵活的工作模式在给劳动者带来更丰富的就业选择和收入来源的同时,也引发了诸多问题与不确定性,其中职业伤害问题备受关注。特别是基础技能零工,成为职业伤害的“重灾区”。然而,既有零工经济文献较少对职业伤害进行溯源,而这对零工权益的保障、零工平台黏性的提高、平台所面对的劳动争议和诉讼成本的降低以及零工经济乃至整个社会的可持续发展都意义重大。本研究利用外卖平台的9133个骑手样本,主要采用二元Probit模型,基于自我损耗理论,对基础技能零工日接单时长对职业伤害的影响与作用机制进行分析。结果发现:这部分零工的日接单时长与其职业伤害的发生呈非线性正相关,通过工具变量方法和稳健性检验处理遗漏变量等内生性问题以后,结论仍然稳健,且相较平台收入依赖一般者,收入依赖较大个体发生职业伤害的可能要低;个体工作压力是重要的影响机制;个体工作参与动机是影响的边界条件,持积极动机者的职业伤害率要显著低于消极动机者;深入探索发现曾发生过职业伤害的个体,未来继续从事零工工作的意愿显著降低,并对平台和政府改善相关的社保机制抱有一定的期待。最后依据研究结论,提出了相关政府政策和平台企业管理建议。 Under the gig economy,the flexibility of working time and space brings about more employment options and income sources for workers,but also causes many problems and uncertainties,among which the issue of occupational injury has attracted much attention.In particular,basic-skilled gig workers have become the“hardest hit area”for occupational injuries.However,the existing gig economy literature seldom traces the source of occupational injuries,which is of great significance to the protection of gig workers,the improvement of stickiness to platforms,the reduction of labor disputes and litigation costs faced by the platforms,and sustainable development of gig economy and even the whole society.Based on the“ego depletion theory”and the data from 9133 delivery riders on the platform,this research,via the binary Probit model,analyzes the influence and mechanism of action of basic-skilled gig workers’daily working hours on occupational injuries.As long working hours reduce the basic-skilled gig workers’self-control ability,leading to the deviation and irrational behavior,which increases the possibility of workers’occupational injury,but it shows a nonlinear correlation.The results found that:the basic-skilled gig workers’daily working hours is non-linearly and positively correlated with the occurrence of occupational injury.After handling the problems of endogenous and missing variables through instrumental variable method and robustness test,the conclusion is still robust.Compared with gig workers with less platform income dependence,those who with more income dependence are less likely to have occupational injuries.Meanwhile,individual work stress is an important influencing mechanism.Individual motivation for job participation is the boundary condition of influence,and the occupational injury rate of those with positive motivation is significantly lower than that of those with negative motivation.In-depth exploration found that individuals who have suffered occupational injuries were significantly lower willingness to continue to do gig work in the future,and they have certain expectations for the platform and the government to improve related social security mechanisms.Finally,based on the research conclusions,this study puts forward relevant policy and platform management suggestions.
作者 郑祁 詹婧 冯喜良 ZHENG Qi;ZHAN Jing;FENG Xiliang(School of Labor and Economics,Capital University of Economics and Business,Beijing 100070,China)
出处 《人口与经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第5期110-128,共19页 Population & Economics
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“集体劳动争议预防与处理机制的系统化建构研究”(14ZDA066) 首都经济贸易大学北京市属高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目“零工权益保障的理论、实践和政策探索”(XRZ2022058)。
关键词 零工经济 工作时长 职业伤害 自我损耗理论 外卖骑手 gig economy working hours occupational injuries ego depletion theory food delivery riders
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