
新时代青年传承红色基因的可行性措施探讨——基于江苏大学生返家乡寻访红色资源 被引量:1

Discussion on Feasible Measures for Youth to Inherit Red Gene under the Background of New Era--Based on Jiangsu College Students'Return to Their Hometown to Look for Red Resources
摘要 习近平总书记高度重视青年思想政治工作,强调青年对“四史”,特别是党史、新中国史的学习。2021年正值建党一百周年,是党和国家发展历程中的一个具有里程碑意义的年份。为更好地传承红色精神,调研小组实地走访家乡红色文化基地,学习爱国主义精神,着重研究青年对于红色文化精神的传承。通过重走红色足迹、寻访红色人物、追溯红色记忆,实地走访红色文化基地,深入了解文化基地的内涵所在;讲述红色故事,切实传承好红色文化精神,激发青年对传承红色文化的责任感;引领青年继承革命传统,弘扬革命精神,传承红色基因。同时,针对红色文化传承中的问题,提出体系化的解决方案。希望在社会、高校等组织的帮助下,青年一代能秉承正确的责任意识,为新时代中国梦贡献青春力量。 General Secretary Xi Jinping attached great importance to youth ideological and political work,emphasizing youth's learning of"four histories",especially the history of CPC and the history of new China.2021 marks the 100th anniversary of CPC's foundation and is a landmark year in the development of CPC and the country.In order to better inherit the red spirit,the research team visited the red culture base in their hometown,studied the spirit of patriotism,and focused on the inheritance of the red cultural spirit by young people.By revisiting the red footprint,searching for red characters,tracing the red memory,and visiting the red cultural base on the spot,we can deeply understand the connotation of the cultural base;Tell red stories,effectively inherit the spirit of red culture,and stimulate young people's sense of responsibility for inheriting red culture;Lead the youth to inherit the revolutionary tradition,carry forward the revolutionary spirit and inherit the red gene.At the same time,it puts forward systematic solutions to the problems in the inheritance of red culture.It is hoped that with the help of society,universities and other organizations,the young generation can uphold the correct sense of responsibility and contribute to the Chinese dream in the new era.
作者 张子雯 史佳艺 张添昊 王艺璇 邓茜予 李桂莉 ZHANG Ziwen;SHI Jiayi;ZHANG Tianhao;WANG Yixuan;DENG Xiyu;LI Guili(Xuzhou uNiversity of Techonology,Xuzhou Jiangsu,221008,China)
机构地区 徐州工程学院
出处 《文化创新比较研究》 2022年第1期79-82,共4页 Comparative Study of Cultural Innovation
关键词 建党百年 红色文化 青年认知 针对性措施 The looth anniversary Red culture Youth cognition Targeted measures
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