

Research on the Application of Tibetan Medical Culture in Ideological and Political Theory Course in Tibetan Universities
摘要 藏医药文化是中华民族医药文化的组成部分,也是中华民族共同体意识的生动体现。通过藏医药优秀文化融入思政课和开设藏医药优秀文化思政课教育广大藏医药高等院校学生,尤其是藏族和其他民族学生,在藏医药优秀文化学习中形成并铸牢中华民族共同体意识,并在今后的医药医疗实践中自觉践行和弘扬中华文化。中华民族五千年历史形成的优秀传统文化,呈现出独特的民族精神,为中华民族生生不息发展壮大提供了丰厚精神底蕴。党的十九大报告强调,深入挖掘中华优秀传统文化中蕴含的思想观念、人文精神、道德规范,结合时代要求继承创新,让中华文化展现出永久魅力和时代风采。藏医药优秀传统文化植根于藏医药的特点,而藏医药自古以来就与内地中医药充分交流和合作,吸收传统中医药的精髓,强调整体、平衡与协调,具有完整科学的理论体系。 Tibetan medicine culture is an integral part of the Chinese national medical culture and a vivid embodiment of the Chinese national community consciousness.Through the integration of the excellent culture of Tibetan medicine into the ideological and political class and the establishment of the ideological and political class of the excellent culture of Tibetan medicine,the majority of students in Tibetan medicine colleges and universities,especially students of Tibetan and other ethnic groups,are taught to form and forge a sense of community of the Chinese nation in the study of excellent culture of Tibetan medicine,and consciously practice and carry forward Chinese culture in the future practice of medicine and medical treatment.The excellent traditional culture formed by the Chinese nation in its 5 000-year history has presented a unique national spirit and provided a rich spiritual foundation for the unceasing development and growth of the Chinese nation.The report of the Nineteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China emphasizes that it is necessary to deeply excavate the ideological concepts,humanistic spirit and moral norms contained in China’s excellent traditional culture,and combine the requirements of the times to inherit and innovate,so that Chinese culture can show its permanent charm and style of the times.The excellent traditional culture of Tibetan medicine is rooted in the characteristics of Tibetan medicine,and Tibetan medicine has fully exchanged and cooperated with traditional Chinese medicine in the mainland since ancient times,absorbing the essence of traditional Chinese medicine,emphasizing the whole,balance and coordination,and having a complete scientific theoretical system.
作者 次吉 CI Ji(University of Tibetan Medicine,Lhasa Tibet,850000,China)
机构地区 西藏藏医药大学
出处 《文化创新比较研究》 2022年第9期103-106,共4页 Comparative Study of Cultural Innovation
基金 西藏藏医学院2020年度教学改革与研究项目“西藏优秀传统文化与《思想道德修养与法律基础》课结合的路径研究”(项目编号:2020jg04z)。
关键词 藏医药 西藏 高校 民族 Tibetan medicine Tibet University Nationality
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