

Animal Models of Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction
摘要 射血分数保留心力衰竭(heart failure with preserved ejection fraction,HFpEF)是一种具有高度异质性的疾病,是由一系列高危因素和合并症引起的心脏舒张功能障碍。目前HFpEF的发病机制尚不清楚,且临床尚无治疗HFpEF的特异性药物,因此当前迫切需要适合的动物模型来了解HFpEF的发病机制并研发有效的治疗药物。目前常用的HFpEF动物模型有4类,其中,高血压模型通过手术、药物诱导或者自发产生高血压从而形成HFpEF,是目前最常用的HFpEF模型;肥胖和糖尿病模型通过基因突变小鼠自发产生或者药物诱导产生代谢紊乱形成HFpEF;衰老模型通过在特殊品种的实验动物上诱导衰老从而产生HFpEF;“多重打击”模型通过多种疾病和高危因素作用于心脏导致HFpEF,更加符合HFpEF的临床特点。该文就HFpEF的动物模型及其特点、优劣进行了综述。 Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction(HFpEF)is a highly heterogeneous disease,which is a cardiac diastolic dysfunction caused by series of high-risk factors and comorbidities.The poorly understanding of mechanisms implicated in HFpEF and the absence of evidence-based therapies are the main reasons why suitable animal models are urgently needed to understand the pathogenesis of HFpEF and develop effective therapeutic drugs.This paper systematically reviews some commonly used animal models of HFpEF.Hypertension model is the most commonly used HFpEF model,which is formed by surgery,drug induction or spontaneous hypertension.The obesity and diabetes HFpEF models are constructed by using mutated mice or pharmacological methods.Aging models are induced by senescence on specific species of experimental animals to develop HFpEF.Multi-hit models are caused by a variety of diseases and high risk factors that act on the heart,which is more consistent with the clinical characteristics of HFpEF.This review discusses animal models of HFpEF with regard to their features as well as their pros and cons.
作者 李欣 马文瑞 邱志华 周子华 Li Xin;Ma Wenrui;Qiu Zhihua(Department of Cardiology,Union Hospital,Tongji Medical College,Huazhong University of Science and Technology,Wuhan 430022,China)
出处 《华中科技大学学报(医学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第5期693-699,共7页 Acta Medicinae Universitatis Scientiae et Technologiae Huazhong
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(No.82070387)。
关键词 射血分数保留心力衰竭 舒张功能障碍 动物模型 heart failure with preserved ejection fraction diastolic dysfunction animal model
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