与高强度螺栓连接相比,环槽铆钉连接具有预紧力不易损失、耐久性好等优势,具有替代高强度螺栓用于波纹钢板纵向接缝的可行性。为便于实际工程应用,需要对其受剪性能进行研究。以波形、板厚与连接件个数为参数设计了6组36个波纹钢板纵向接缝的轴压试验,包括两组单波波纹钢板环槽铆钉连接接缝、两组四波波纹钢板环槽铆钉连接接缝以及两组四波波纹钢板高强度螺栓连接接缝。波纹钢板波形尺寸分别为150 mm×50 mm、380 mm×140 mm,板厚分别为6、7 mm和8 mm。同时考虑波形和铆钉直径的影响,对四种连接形式的32个环槽铆钉进行了预紧力试验。主要从预紧力和受剪承载力两方面对两种连接形式进行了对比,并研究了钉群效应对于环槽铆钉连接纵向接缝承载力的影响。结果表明:强度等级相同的环槽铆钉预紧力明显高于高强度螺栓预紧力,环槽铆钉接缝在试验加载过程中未出现类似于高强度螺栓接缝的预紧力损失、连接松动现象,前者具有更大的受剪承载力和更好的延性。按JGJ 99—2015《高层民用建筑钢结构技术规程》计算波纹钢板环槽铆钉连接纵向接缝承载力偏于保守。考虑钉群效应的影响,建议采用JGJ 99—2015计算孔壁承压承载力时乘以1.4的增大系数,计算环槽铆钉受剪承载力时乘以1.1的增大系数。
Compared to the high-strength bolts, the ring groove rivets have the advantages of being not easyhard to lose the preload force and good durability, so it is feasible to replace the high-strength bolts for corrugated steel plate longitudinal seams. In order to apply in practical engineering, the shear performance needs to be studied. Six groups of 36 specimens were designed by the axial test with the parameters of the wave shape, plate thickness, and the number of connectors, including two groups of single wave corrugated steel plate ring groove rivet connection specimens, two groups of four four-wave corrugated plate ring groove rivet connection specimens and two groups of four four-wave corrugated plate high-strength bolt connection specimens. The waveforms of corrugated steel plates are were 150 mm×50 mm and 380 mm×140 mm respectively, and the thicknesses are 6 mm, 7 mm, and 8 mm. Meanwhile, 32 ring groove rivets of four connection forms were tested for preload, taking into account the effect of waveform and bolt diameter. The preload and shear capacity of two kinds of seams were compared, and the influence of the bolt group effect on the longitudinal seam bearing capacity of ring groove rivets was studied. The results revealed that the preload force of ring groove rivets of the same grade is significantly higher than that of high-strength bolts, and there is no preload force losing and rivet loosening phenomenon in the ring groove rivet seam during the process of test, which appeared in high-strength bolt seam. The ring groove rivet seam has the better shear capacity and ductility than high strength bolt seam. It’s It is conservative to calculate the shear capacity in terms offollowing JGJ 99—2015 ‘Technical specifications Specifications for the steel Steel structure Structure of the tall Tall building Building’(JGJ 99—2015). Considering the influence of the bolt group effect, it is suggested to multiply 1.4 for calculating the bearing capacity of the hole wall, and 1.1 for shear capacity in the design of corrugated steel plate ring groove rivet connection by referring to the specification.
SU Mingzhou;ZHU Chenghao;ZHANG Chenqian;WANG Mengmeng(School of Civil Engineering,Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology,Xi’an 710055,China;Key Laboratory of Structural Engineering and Earthquake Resistance of China Ministry of Education,Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology,Xi’an 710055,China)
Journal of Building Structures
corrugated steel plate
longitudinal seam
ring groove rivet
high strength bolt
axial test
preload force