
英国现代学徒制中的雇主利益保障经验及启示 被引量:3

Experience and enlightenment of employers’ interests protection in modern apprenticeship in Britain
摘要 英国自1993年启动现代学徒制改革以来经历了长期的实践探索,逐步发展演变,形成了较为有效且稳定运作的现代学徒制模式。为有效提升雇主的参与度,英国在现代学徒制改革过程中出台了诸多雇主利益保障举措。我国近年来逐步扩展了现代学徒制的试点范围,而建立“共赢”模式仍是一个较为严峻的挑战。借鉴英国经验,我国可以通过全面提升人才培养规格、完善政策体系、重构人才培养标准、健全资助体系、构建现代学徒培训市场等手段激励企业雇主积极参与现代学徒制建设。 Since the modern apprenticeship reform was launched in 1993, Britain has experienced a long-term practice and exploration, gradually developed and evolved, and formed a more effective and stable modern apprenticeship mode. In order to effectively enhance the participation of employers, Britain has introduced many measures to protect the interests of employers in the process of modern apprenticeship reform. In recent years, our country has gradually expanded the pilot scope of modern apprenticeship system, however, to establish a "win-win" model is still a serious challenge. Drawing on the experience of Britain, our country can encourage enterprise employers to actively participate in the construction of modern apprenticeship system by comprehensively improving the talent training specifications, improving the policy system, reconstructing the talent training standards, perfecting the funding system, and building a modern apprenticeship training market.
作者 朱晨明 王波 ZHU Chenming;WANG Bo(Yiwu Industrial&Commercial College,Yiwu 322000,China)
出处 《实验技术与管理》 CAS 北大核心 2022年第8期199-204,209,共7页 Experimental Technology and Management
基金 2021年度浙江省高等学校国内访问工程师校企合作项目(FG2021190) 2019年浙江省教育厅一般课题(Y201942575)。
关键词 英国 现代学徒制 雇主利益 保障 激励政策 Britain modern apprenticeship employer interests guarantee incentive policy
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