

The Psychological Mechanism for Foreign Language Vocabulary Retention from the Perspective of Concreteness Effect
摘要 词汇具体性效应作为双语者语言加工的神经机制的重要组成部分,一直是被关注的问题之一。该研究旨在探究以汉语为母语,以英语、德语为第二、第三语言的语言学习者的词汇记忆的心理机制。通过对词汇编码记忆和记忆测试任务中的反应时和正确率数据进行独立样本t检验,并结合采访数据,研究发现:(1)英语具体词词汇判断反应时要显著低于英语抽象词词汇判断反应时,但两者正确率没有显著差异;(2)德语被试在抽象词与具体词的反应时无显著差异,且德语具体词和抽象词词汇判断正确率无显著差异;(3)英语、德语测试结果均呈现出具体词词汇判断正确率要明显高于抽象词词汇判断正确率;(4)该实验中,外语学习者词汇记忆心理机制与现存理论模型相一致。 As an important part of the neural mechanism of language processing in bilinguals,concreteness-effect has been one of the most critical issues.This study aims to explore the psychological mechanism for foreign language vocabulary retention among Chinese native speakers,who regard English as second language and German as third language.Based on independent sample t-test of response time(RT)and accuracy(ACC)in the lexical encoding memory and memory testing tasks and the interview data,we found that:(1)English concrete words'RT is significantly lower than that of English abstract words,but there is no significant difference in the accuracy between the two;(2)There was no significant difference in RT between abstract words and concrete words,and difference in ACC between concrete words and abstract words does not show significantly;(3)The results of ACC,in both English and German tests,show that the correct judgment rate of concrete words is obviously higher than that of abstract words;(4)The psychological mechanism for foreign language vocabulary retention among subjects in this test is consistent with the existing theoretical models.
作者 杨丽佳 胡亚 张笑雨 闫静 YANG Lijia;HU Ya;ZHANG Xiaoyu;YAN Jing(Southwest Jiaotong University,Chengdu Sichuan,611756,China)
机构地区 西南交通大学
出处 《文化创新比较研究》 2021年第20期134-140,共7页 Comparative Study of Cultural Innovation
基金 西南交通大学2020年大学生创新创业训练计划项目(项目编号:2020169)。
关键词 外语 词汇记忆 心理机制 具体性效应 Foreign language Vocabulary retention Psychological mechanism Concreteness effect
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