
高职非遗文化育人体系构建研究--以山东科技职业学院数字媒体专业群为例 被引量:2

Research on the Construction of Intangible Cultural Heritage Education System of Higher Vocational Digital Media Professional Group
摘要 齐鲁民艺,即齐鲁民间艺术(以下简称“民艺”),是一种民间造型艺术,包括了民间美术和工艺美术各种表现形式。纵观我国各级非物质文化遗产(以下简称“非遗”)名录,无论是在数量上,还是在质量上,民间艺术皆已占据绝对优势,其造型、用色、构图独特,具有鲜明的文化特征,承载了民间艺人的精湛技艺和精益求精的工匠精神。该文主要针对齐鲁地区已经列入非物质文化遗产名录的民间艺术项目,以山东科技职业学院数字媒体专业群为例,研究民间非遗文化与高职数字媒体专业群专业育人之间的耦合关系,探索非遗文化育人体系的构建,培养高素质劳动者和技术技能人才。 Qilu folk-art,namely Qilu folk art(hereinafter referred to as"folk art"),is a kind of folk plastic art,including various forms of folk art and arts and crafts.Throughout the list of intangible cultural heritage at all levels in China(hereinafter referred to as"intangible cultural heritage"),whether in terms of quantity or quality,folk art has occupied an absolute advantage.Its shape,color and composition are unique,with distinct cultural characteristics,bearing the exquisite skills and craftsmanship spirit of folk artists.This paper mainly focuses on the folk-art projects which have been listed in the intangible cultural heritage list in Qilu area.Taking the digital media specialty group of Shandong Vocational College of science and technology as an example,this paper studies the coupling relationship between folk intangible cultural heritage culture and professional education of digital media specialty group in Higher Vocational colleges,explores the construction of non-cultural education system,and cultivates high-quality workers and technical talents.
作者 李明洋 李爱香 LI Mingyang;LI Aixiang(Shandong Vocational College of Science and Technology,Weifang Shandong,261053,China)
出处 《文化创新比较研究》 2021年第11期57-60,共4页 Comparative Study of Cultural Innovation
基金 山东省职业教育教学改革研究重点资助项目:基于齐鲁民艺传承创新平台的高职数字媒体专业群非遗文化育人体系构建研究与实践阶段性成果(课题编号:2019012)。
关键词 高职 数字媒体专业群 非遗文化 育人体系 Higher vocational education Digital media professional group Intangible cultural heritage Education system
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