

Research on Chinese Cultural Identity of Overseas Students under the Background of "One Belt and One Road"
摘要 文章通过自编问卷的形式对2018级、2019级来邕攻读汉语言文学本科专业的105名泰国留学生展开关于中华文化认同程度、学习主要途径、对中华文化课程的接受情况、感兴趣的中华文化内容和课程内容设置的调查。调查报告显示:一是来邕泰国留学生认同中华文化,对直观的中华文化认识较好,主要借助网络及与人交际的方式学习中华文化知识;二是来邕泰国留学生对中华文化课程接受程度良好,年级越高对教学进度及实用性适应性越好;三是来邕泰国留学生对抽象的中华文化知识不感兴趣,年级小的学生比年级高的学生更注重自身中华传统文化技能的提升,对文化实践课程的需求较迫切。建议:一是加强对来邕泰国留学生对中国文化比较隐性的文化层次的知识的学习;二是丰富课外活动,提升来邕泰国留学生对中华文化课程的满意度;三是中外学生混合教学,促进中华文化知识的交流和沟通。 In the form of a self-compiled questionnaire,105 Thai students who study in Yong for undergraduate Chinese language and literature majors in the Grade 2018 and 2019, were asked to complete a survey which is about the degree of Chinese cultural identity, main ways of learning, acceptance of Chinese cultural courses, interest in Chinese culture content and the setting of course content. The result shows that: First, Thai students who study in Yong recognize the Chinese culture and have a better understanding of intuitive Chinese culture, mainly relying on the Internet and interpersonal methods to learn Chinese cultural knowledge;second, Thai students who study in Yong have a good acceptance of Chinese culture courses. The higher the grade, the better the teaching progress and practical adaptability. The third is that Thai students who study in Yong are not interested in abstract Chinese cultural knowledge. The younger students pay more attention to the improvement of their traditional Chinese cultural skills than the older students. The demand for cultural practice courses is more urgent. Suggestions: One is to strengthen the learning of the relatively hidden cultural level of Chinese culture for Thai students who study in Yong;the second is to enrich extracurricular activities to increase the satisfaction of Thai students who study in Yong with Chinese culture courses;the third is to mix teaching with Chinese and Thai students who study in Yong for promoting the exchange and communication of Chinese cultural knowledge.
作者 黄诗雅 李德灿 HUANG Shiya;LI Decan(Nanning College for Vocational Technology,NanningGuangxi,530008,China;Guangxi University of Foreign Languages,Nanning Guangxi,530023,China)
出处 《文化创新比较研究》 2021年第1期196-198,共3页 Comparative Study of Cultural Innovation
基金 2019年度广西高校中青年教师科研基础能力提升项目《提升中华优秀传统文化对泰国留学生的吸引力研究》的研究成果(项目编号:2019KY 0900)。
关键词 “一带一路”来邕泰国留学生 中华文化 认同 "One belt one road" Chinese culture Identification
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