
外源诱导子处理对红皮花生芽菜营养品质的影响 被引量:1

Effects of Different Exogenous Inducers on Nutrient Quality of Red-Skin Peanut Sprouts
摘要 目的:选取紫外光UVC、苯丙氨酸和硫酸铜3种不同的外源诱导因子处理对红皮花生芽菜营养品质的影响进行研究。方法:以红皮花生为试验对象,在单因素试验的基础上,选取紫外辐照时间、苯丙氨酸和硫酸铜浓度为响应面试验因素,以红皮花生芽菜的发芽率为响应值,运用响应面分析软件拟合出最佳的外源诱导处理组合。结果:影响红皮花生芽菜发芽率的最佳外源诱导处理的组合为:紫外辐照时间为27 min、苯丙氨酸浓度为107 mg/L和硫酸铜浓度为2.4 mg/L,在此条件下,红皮花生芽菜的发芽率为94%。总糖、蛋白质、脂肪和原花青素含量较未发芽的花生略有下降,分别下降19.05%、21.9%、17.8%和72%;Vc、黄酮和白藜芦醇含量较未发芽花生有所提高,分别提高到了原来的1.3倍、1.9倍和3.5倍;且经诱导处理的花生芽菜中白藜芦醇含量与未处理组相比差异显著,黄酮含量与未处理组相比差异显著。经诱导处理的花生芽菜中总糖、蛋白质、脂肪、Vc和原花青素含量与未处理组相比无显著差异。结论:通过不同外源因子最优组合诱导处理对红皮花生芽菜的营养品质影响较为明显,为进一步探讨花生芽菜等功能性食品的特性奠定了理论基础。 Objective:In this study,three exogenous induction treatment factors of ultraviolet light,phenylalanine and copper sulfate were selected to study the effect on the nutritional characteristics of red-skin peanut sprouts.Methods:On the basis of the single factor test,red-skin peanuts were used as the test object,and select the UVC irradiation time,phenylalanine and copper sulfate concentration as the response surface test factors,take the germination rate of the red skin peanut sprouts as the response value,and use the response surface analysis software to fit the best combination of exogenous induction treatment.Results:The results showed that the best combination of exogenous induction treatments affecting the germination rate of red-skin peanut sprouts was:ultraviolet irradiation time of 27 min,phenylalanine concentration of 107 mg/L,and copper sulfate concentration of 2.4 mg/L.Under these conditions,the germination rate of red-skin peanut sprouts reached the highest value of 94%.And the total sugar,protein,fat and proanthocyanidin content were slightly lower than that of ungerminated peanuts,d escend 19.05%,21.9%,17.8%a nd 72%r espectively.T he c ontent o f Vc,f lavonoids a nd resveratrol has increased compared with the ungerminated peanuts,and they have increased by 1.3 times,1.9 times and 3.5 times respectively.The content of resveratrol and flavonoids in the induced peanut sprout vegetables were significantly different from those in the untreated group.The contents of total sugar,protein,fat,Vc and procyanidins in the treated peanut sprouts had no significant difference compared with those in the untreated group.Conclusions:In short,the optimal exogenous induction treatment improves the nutritional value of red-skin peanut sprouts,laying a theoretical foundation for studying the characteristics of sprouts and other related green foods.
作者 关正萍 赵慧峰 关正 关正君 廖同兵 GUAN Zhengping;ZHAO Huifeng;GUAN Zheng;GUAN Zhengjun;LIAO Tongbing(College of Food Science,Shanxi Normal University,Linfen 045000,China;College of Life Science,Shanxi Normal University,Linfen 045000,China;Department of Life Sciences,Yuncheng University,Yuncheng 044000,China;Hangzhou Beiqian Science and Technology Co.,Ltd.,Hangzhou 310000,China)
出处 《食品科技》 CAS 北大核心 2022年第9期38-44,共7页 Food Science and Technology
基金 产学研合作项目(050402050128)。
关键词 外源诱导子 红皮花生芽菜 紫外光UVC 苯丙氨酸 硫酸铜 exogenous inducer red-skin peanut sprouts UVC-irradiation phenylalanine copper sulfate
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