

Study on Cleaning Process Before Passivation of InSb Infrared Detectors
摘要 对InSb红外探测器钝化前清洗工艺进行了研究。在传统清洗方法的基础上增加专用清洗液进行清洗,以优化钝化前InSb材料的表面质量。飞行时间二次离子质谱仪(Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry,TOF-SIMS)质谱检测表明,增加专用清洗液清洗工艺后,InSb材料表面的Si杂质浓度降低了约85%,主要有机物杂质浓度降幅约为30%~60%,表面整体杂质含量显著降低。经流片验证,增加专用清洗液进行钝化前表面清洗,I-V性能更优,InSb光伏芯片的长期可靠性显著提高。这说明钝化前InSb材料的表面质量对InSb红外探测器的性能和可靠性具有重要影响。本文提供的钝化前清洗优化方向具有一定的指导意义。 The cleaning process of InSb infrared detector before passivation was studied.On the basis of traditional cleaning method,a special cleaning solution was added to optimize the surface quality of InSb material before passivation.TOF-SIMS spectrometry test result showed that the Si impurity concentration on the surface of InSb material was reduced by about 85%,the concentration of main organic impurities was reduced by about 30%--60%,and the overall impurity content on the surface was significantly reduced after adding special cleaning solution.It is verified by tape-out that adding special cleaning solution for surface cleaning before passivation can improve the I-V performance and the long-term reliability of InSb photovoltaic chip significantly.This indicates that the surface quality of InSb material before passivation has an important influence on the performance and reliability of InSb infrared detectors.The optimization direction of cleaning before passivation provided in this paper has certain guiding significance.
作者 程雨 CHENG Yu(North China Research Institute of Electro-Optics,Beijing 100015,China)
出处 《红外》 CAS 2022年第10期16-22,共7页 Infrared
关键词 INSB 表面清洗 飞行时间二次离子质谱仪 可靠性 InSb surface cleaning TOF-SIMS reliability
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