
高烈度区大型商业综合体结构选型与减震性能分析 被引量:2

Structural selection and damping performance analysis of large commercial complex in high intensity area
摘要 红星发展大道商业综合体项目位于高烈度区,采用钢筋混凝土框架结构体系+黏滞阻尼墙。根据结构特点制定减震结构性能目标,附加阻尼比计算采用直接积分法,取累积能量法与规范算法两种算法的极小值3%作为结构设计附加阻尼比。子结构框架的设计采用等效线性化模型,控制该模型的楼层剪力不低于弹塑性分析所得楼层剪力的包络值,并在黏滞阻尼墙相连部位附加等效节点荷载(剪力和弯矩)。关键构件的中震性能分析基于等效线性化模型,结构的大震性能分析基于弹塑性时程分析。分析结果表明:子结构框架作为减震结构的重要构件,大震下满足极限承载力要求,建议控制损伤状态为中度与钢筋塑性应变值不超27倍屈服应变。 Hongxing Development Avenue commercial complex project is located in a high seismic intensity area.The concrete frame structure system+viscous damping wall was adopted.The damping performance target of the structure was determined according to its characteristics.The design additional damping ratio of the structure was calculated based on the nonlinear direct integral calculation results of cumulative energy method and standard algorithm and the additional damping ratio is taken as 3%according to the minimum mean value.Equivalent linearization model was used to design the sub-structural frames.The calculated story shear force of this model should be larger than the envelope value of elastic-plastic story shear force.Equivalent joint load(shear force and bending moment)was applied on components connected with viscous damping wall.The performance analysis of important members under fortification earthquake was based on equivalent linearization model,and the performance analysis under rare earthquake was based on elastic-plastic time history analysis.The result of analysis show that as important components of damping structure,the seismic performance under rare earthquake can meet the ultimate bearing capacity.It is suggested that damage state of the structure should be controlled to moderate damage and the plastic strain of reinforced steel does not exceed 27 times yield strain value.
作者 朱寻焱 谈丽华 张薇 蔡永平 周蔚 奚源 ZHU Xunyan;TAN Lihua;ZHANG Wei;CAI Yongping;ZHOU Wei;XI Yuan(ARTS Group Co.,Ltd.,Suzhou 215123,China;COSCO Group Yuanxing Business Department,Shanghai 201107,China;Chongqing Pusheng Ruihe Architectural Design Co.,Ltd.,Chongqing 400030,China)
出处 《建筑结构》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第20期84-91,共8页 Building Structure
基金 中衡设计集团科研项目(2019-S1):多高层结构减震技术研究及工程应用。
关键词 高烈度区 黏滞阻尼墙 减震结构 子结构 附加阻尼比 high intensity area viscous damping wall damping structure sub-structure additional damping ratio
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