
基于文丘里的预混气体多孔介质燃烧特性 被引量:1

Study of the Combustion Characteristics of Premixed Gas in Porous Media Based on Venturi
摘要 多孔介质燃烧技术是一种新型的清洁燃烧技术,被广泛应用于预混燃烧领域。燃烧过程中,燃料与空气的预混非均匀性是影响预混气体燃烧特性的重要因素。结合工业预混领域应用广泛的文丘里混合器,采用预混不均匀度(spatial mixing deficiency,SMD)对经文丘里混合的CH_(4)/air预混气体的非均匀性进行评估。在入口速度为0.8 m/s,过量空气系数1.4条件下,研究了预混不均匀度SMD对多孔介质燃烧稳定性的影响。结果表明:SMD小于2.5%对多孔介质燃烧火焰的稳定性影响较小;随着SMD的增大,燃烧高温区域面积进一步变大,最高温度随着SMD的增加呈线性增加;稳燃范围随着SMD的增大逐渐减小。 Porous media combustion technology is a new clean combustion technology, which is widely used in the field of premixed combustion. The degree of premixed air and fuel is an important factor affecting the combustion characteristics of premixed gas during combustion. the non-uniformity of the premixed CH_(4)/air gas from the Venturi mixer is evaluated by the spatial mixing deficiency(SMD). At the inlet velocity of 0.8 m/s and the excess air coefficient of 1.4, the influence of SMD on the combustion stability of porous media was studied. The results indicated that SMD, which is less than 2.5%, has little effect on the stability of the porous medium combustion flame. With the increase of SMD, the area of the high-temperature combustion zone further increases, and the maximum combustion temperature increases linearly. The stable range of combustion decreases with the increase of SMD.
作者 李宇翔 陈小龙 刘峰 高捷敏 徐洪涛 LI Yu-xiang;CHEN Xiao-long;LIU Feng;GAO Jie-min;XU Hong-tao(Yulin Special Equipment Testing and Research Institute,Yulin 719000,China;China Special Equipment Inspection and Research Institute,Beijing 100026,China;School of Energy and Power Engineering,University of Shanghai for Science and Technology,Shanghai 200093,China)
出处 《科学技术与工程》 北大核心 2022年第27期11918-11923,共6页 Science Technology and Engineering
基金 国家重点研发计划(2021YFF0600605) 榆林市2020年科技计划(YF-2020-017)。
关键词 多孔介质 文丘里 预混不均匀度 稳燃 porous media venturi spatial mixing deficiency stable combustion
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