
含储热装置的热电联产系统改进人工蜂群优化调度方法 被引量:2

Optimal Scheduling Method of Cogeneration System with Heat Storage Device Based on Improved Artificial Bee Colony
摘要 由于冬季供暖的需要,中国北方地区的机组大多数采用工作模式为“以热定电”的热电联产机组。在夜间,热电机组的电功率会维持在较高的水平,大量的风能得不到有效的利用,弃风现象十分严峻。传统的解决方法是在系统中单一地加入储热装置或电锅炉来减少弃风现象的发生,但消纳风电的能力有限。本文采用电锅炉和储热装置来协调供热,以提高风电的利用率。首先分析了发生弃风的原因;其次构建了含储热装置与电锅炉的热电联产系统调度模型;然后设计了基于概率的交叉变异算子,并将其应用于人工蜂群邻域搜索过程,给出了基于概率交叉操作的改进人工蜂群求解算法,基于中国北方某一区域的数据进行了仿真验证,证明了所提方案的可行性;最后对风电消纳进行了经济性分析,仿真结果表明加入电锅炉后具有更低的煤耗成本,更好的经济效益。 In order to meet the needs of heating in winter, most of the units in the northern region use thermal power units with a working mode of “using heat to determine electricity”. At night, the electric power of the thermal power unit will be maintained at a high level. A large amount of wind energy cannot be effectively used. The traditional solution is to simply add a heat storage device or an electric boiler to the system to alleviate the phenomenon of wind abandonment. In some cases, this scheme cannot completely absorb wind power. Heat storage devices and electric boilers are added to improve the utilization rate of wind power. First of all, the causes of the phenomenon of wind abandonment were put forward. Secondly, the dispatching model of cogeneration system was constructed including electric boiler and heat storage device. Then a probability-based crossover mutation operator was designed and applied to the artificial bee colony neighborhood search process, and an improved artificial bee colony solution algorithm based on probability crossover operation was given. Based on the data of a certain area in northern my country, the simulation verification was carried out, which proved the feasibility of the proposed scheme. Finally, the economic analysis of wind power consumption was carried out, and the results showed that the addition of electric boilers has lower coal consumption costs and better economic benefits.
作者 庞新富 张旭 刘莉 尤石 崔馨元 裴根 PANG Xin-fu;ZHANG Xu;LIU Li;YOU Shi;CUI Xin-yuan;PEI Gen(Key Laboratory of Energy Saving and Controlling in Power System of Liaoning Province,Shenyang Institute of Engineering,Shenyang 110136,China;State Grid Jinzhou Electric Power Supply Company,Jinzhou 121001,China;Department of Electrical Engineering,Technical University of Denmark,Kgs.Lyngby 2800,Denmark)
出处 《科学技术与工程》 北大核心 2022年第27期12006-12015,共10页 Science Technology and Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金(61773269) 辽宁省高等学校国(境)外培养计划(2018LNGXGJWPY-YB034) 辽宁省自然科学基金(2202-MS-306) 辽宁省高等学校基本科研项目(LJKZ1110)。
关键词 热电联产 弃风现象 储热装置 电锅炉 改进人工蜂群算法 cogeneration wind abandonment phenomenon heat storage device electric boiler improved artificial bee colony algorithm
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