The words that mean"tilt"mainly include qing(倾),xie(斜),qi(欹)and wai(歪)in the history of Chinese language.They were used differently in different historical stages.qing(倾)was mainly used in the ancient times.xie(斜)gradually emeraged and was used together with qing(倾)in the middle ancient times,and in the early modern Chinese language,xie(斜)further developed and grew.At the same time,qi(欹)emerged as a common word,and qing(倾)gradually declined;In the late modern Chinese language,qi(欹)and qing(倾)were replaced ly wui(重),Which beeame the main word that means"ilt"and developed together with xie(斜).The development of xie(斜)and wai(歪)were mainly due to.the replacement of the writing forms of them.The xie(邪)that means"tilt"was later changed toxie(斜),and this separation of xie(邪)and xie(斜)promoted the development of xie(斜).wai(端)changed to the vulgar word wai(歪)also played a role in the development of wai(歪).The dcclining rcaoono of qing(倾)wcrc that thc richncoo of ito mcaningo and thc transfer of common meanings.The main reason of the up and down about qi(欹)was that the development of the same meaning in the members of the"tilt"semantic field。
Yang Zhenhua(Hebei University)