
云南磷石膏堆存对区域水环境的影响研究 被引量:6

The Influence of Phosphogypsum Storage on Regional Water Environment in Yunnan Province
摘要 伴随着磷肥产量增加,磷石膏产排量对环境污染等问题愈加突出。为解决磷石膏堆放对环境造成的威胁和磷石膏的资源化利用,本研究通过对云南省磷矿资源主要集中地磷石膏堆场的实地调查、采样并结合模拟试验、建立预测模型等方法,明确磷石膏对区域水体环境介质存在的影响。结论如下:(1)不同堆存点磷石膏均呈酸性。滇池流域的磷石膏含磷量较高、抚仙湖流域的磷石膏含氟量较高。(2)通过地表径流试验,地表水总磷和氟化物的含量基本呈现随迁移距离增加而不断下降的趋势。并建立地表水污染物沿程迁移变化回归模型。地表径流中总磷和氟化物分别迁移至距堆场186.45 m和167.30 m外,可达到地表Ⅲ类水标准。(3)通过土柱淋溶试验,淋出液中总磷含量随淋溶次数的增加整体呈下降的趋势。不同土柱淋出液中氟含量呈现正相关的变化趋势,除个别土柱淋出液外,其他深度的淋出液氟含量在0.15~0.45 mg/L范围之内,可达到地下水的Ⅰ类至Ⅲ类标准。本研究为解决磷矿区乃至流域内磷石膏对水环境等造成的污染负荷问题,提供定量化的理论基础。 With the increase of phosphorus fertilizer production,the phosphogypsum pollution on environment has become more and more prominent.To solve the problem caused by phosphogypsum storage to the environment and realize the resource utilization of phosphogypsum,this study clarified the influence of phosphogypsum on the regional water environment media through field investigation,sampling,simulation test and establishing prediction model of phosphogypsum storage sites in phosphogypsum resource concentrated areas of Yunnan Province.The results showed that:(1)phosphogypsum at different storage sites was acidic,the phosphorus content of phosphogypsum in Dianchi watershed was relatively high while the fluorine content of phosphogypsum in Fuxian watershed was relatively high;(2)through surface runoff test,the content of total phosphorus and fluoride in surface water decreased with the increase of migration distance;a regression model was established for the migration of surface water pollutants along the way,showing that when the total phosphorus and fluoride in surface runoff migrated to 186.4 m and 167.30 m away from the storage site,respectively,their contents in water could reach the surface water standard of Class III;(3)through the soil column leaching test,the total phosphorus content in leachate decreased with the increase of leaching times,the fluorine content in leachate of different soil columns showed a positive correlation trend;except individual soil column leachate,the fluorine content of leachate at other depths was basically within the range of 0.15 to 0.45 mg/L,which could meet the groundwater standard of Class I to Class III.Thus,the study could provide a quantitative theoretical basis for solving the pollution load caused by phosphogypsum to water environment in phosphate mining area and even in regional river basin.
作者 董春雨 张好 钟雄 罗宏林 杨海婵 张乃明 夏运生 包立 DONG Chunyu;ZHANG Hao;ZHONG Xiong;LUO Honglin;YANG Haichan;ZHANG Naiming;XIA Yunsheng;BAO Li(College of Resource and Environment,Yunnan Agricultural University,Kunming 650201;Yunnan Soil Fertilizer and Pollution Repair Engineering Laboratory,Kunming 650201)
出处 《中国农学通报》 2022年第27期26-34,共9页 Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin
基金 NSFC-云南联合基金“NSFC-云南联合基金地质高背景及人为污染土壤重金属迁移转化规律与阻控机理研究”(U200220167) 云南省重大科技专项计划项目“农产品绿色生产及质量安全控制关键技术研究”(202002AE320005) 青年科学基金“土壤-玉米系统镉低累积品种中镉的转运累积规律及基因表达”(201801YB00003)。
关键词 磷石膏 地表水 地下水 phosphogypsum surface water ground water phosphorus fluorine
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