

Comprehend the Value of Life World in Multiple Crises——Rethinking The Crisis of European Sciences and Transcendental Phenomenology
摘要 《欧洲科学的危机与超越论的现象学》是胡塞尔未竟的重要著作,尽管因应邀演讲而偶然成书,但其中却包含了他论证“精神生活道路”的必然思考。胡塞尔揭明了“欧洲科学的危机”是包含科学的危机、哲学的危机和人的危机的多重危机,直指时代弊病在于自然科学意识形态化,这造成了人类丧失主体性与遗忘生活世界的根本危机,由此他提出回归彰明人性自由的“生活世界”。胡塞尔视哲学为严格意义上的科学的理想,凸显了科学与哲学的关系这一经典问题,这对科技发达的当代具有更加紧要的现实警示价值。 The Crisis of European Sciences and Transcendental Phenomenology is an important unfinished work of Husserl. Although the book was accidentally written due to the invitation of a lecture,it is the inevitable reflection of his demonstration of “road of spiritual life”.Husserl has revealed that “the crisis of European sciences” is a multiple crisis including scientific crisis,philosophical crisis and human crisis.He points out that the disadvantage of the times lies in the ideology of natural science,which has led to the loss of human subjectivity and forgetting the life world,and put forward the theory of returning to the life world that shows the freedom of human nature.Husserl regards philosophy as a strict scientific ideal,highlighting the classic problem of the relationship between science and philosophy,which has more important practical warning value for the contemporary era with developed science and technology.
作者 周春兰 ZHOU Chunlan(School of Philosophy,Research Center for Value and Culture,Collaborative Innovation Center for Core Socialist Values,Beijing Normal University)
出处 《当代中国价值观研究》 2021年第5期94-101,共8页 Chinese Journal of Contemporary Values
关键词 欧洲科学的危机 胡塞尔 人的危机 生活世界 the Crisis of European Sciences Husserl human crisis life world
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