1Hamilton Ross Smith,Development of Manual Training in the United States (Lancaster,Pa.:Intelligencer Print,1914),14.
2Calvin Milton Woodward,The Manual Training School (Boston:D.C.HEATH & Co.,Publishers,1887),2.
3Lawrence A.Crcmin,The Transformation of the School:Progressivism in American Education,1876-1957(New York:Random House,Inc.and Alfred A.Knop f,Inc.,1961),24.
4Calvin Milton Woodward,The Manual Training School (Boston:D.C.HEATH & Co.,Publishers,1887),3-4.
5Charles Alpheus Bennett,History of Manual and Industrial Education,1870 to 1917 (Peoria,Illinois:The Manual Arts Press,1937),331.
6Lawrence A.Cremin,The Transformation of the School:Progressivism in American Education,1876-1957 (New York:Random House,Inc.and Alfred A.Knopf,Inc.,1961),26.
7Cremin,The Transformation of the School:Progressivism in American Education,1876-1957,27.
8Bennett,History of Manual and Industrial Education,1870 to 1917,341.
9Lazerson Marvin and W.Norton Grubb,American Education and Vocationalism:a Documentary History,1870-1970(New York:Teachers College Press,Teachers College,Columbia University,1974),59-60.
10Calvin Milton Woodward,The Manual Training School (Boston:D.C.HEATH & Co.,Publishers,1887),3.