
论用水权市场交易的规范建构--基于流域生态系统存在价值的视角 被引量:8

Normative Construction of Water Use Rights Market Transaction--Based on the Perspective of the Existence Value of the Watershed Ecosystem
摘要 作为水资源和生态系统的载体,流域的整体价值由服务价值与存在价值组成。用水权内含的流域服务价值通过价值规律和市场价格机制予以反映,但在用水权市场交易中,价值规律和市场价格机制并不体现流域存在价值。流域存在价值体现的是人类长远利益和自然要求,决定了人类必须对流域负有伦理责任,同样需要法律对其予以反映和记载,形成法律所保护的“非资源环境权益”并承担不损害该权益之义务。面对用水权市场交易对流域生态系统产生的客观影响,有必要建构用水权市场交易专门法,对流域存在价值予以特别尊重和保护,具体包括规定流域存在价值评估制度;明确被列入生态保护红线内流域的用水权不得进行市场交易;在水资源费构成中纳入流域存在价值;对自然与交易水流方向相反的用水权市场交易实行实质审查,不得影响和损害流域存在价值;跨区域用水权市场交易须对流域存在价值进行评估;农业用水权市场交易主管部门须对转让水资源的性质、受让后水资源的用途及数量、受让方的资格等进行实质审查。这些规范内容也构成了国家对用水权市场交易监管机制的重要组成部分。 Watersheds are carriers of water resources and ecosystems. Water rights contain the overall value of the watershed. The overall value of a watershed consists of its ecosystem service value and ecosystem existence value. The value of watershed ecosystem services contained in water rights can be reflected through the law of value and the market price mechanism. The existence value of the watershed ecosystem contained in the water right is reflected in the long-term interests of human beings and the requirements of nature, which determines that human beings must take ethical responsibility for the watershed. In the water rights market transaction, the existence value of the river basin ecosystem that cannot be reflected by the law of value and the market price mechanism requires the law to reflect and record this non-economic value, and form the “non-resource and environmental rights and interests” protected by legal norms and non-resources. Impair the obligation of “non-environmental resource rights and interests”. The impact of water rights market transactions on the ecosystem of the river basin is objective, and it is necessary to formulate a special water rights market transaction law to build a norm that respects and protects the existing value of the river basin, and specifically stipulates the evaluation system for the existence of the river basin;The water rights entering the watershed within the ecological protection red line shall not be traded in the market;the existing value of the watershed ecosystem shall be included in the composition of the water resources fee;the market transaction of water rights with the direction of natural water flow and the direction of the traded water flow shall not be subject to market transactions;Substantive review of the existence value of the system;cross-regional water rights market transactions must evaluate the existence value of river basin ecosystems;agricultural water rights market transactions implement the nature of the transferred water resources, the use and quantity of water resources after the transfer, the transferee Qualifications and other substantive examinations. These norms that particularly respect and protect the existing value of the watershed are also an important part of the state’s supervision mechanism for water rights market transactions.
作者 邵莉莉 Shao Lili
机构地区 北京物资学院
出处 《法学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第10期160-176,共17页 Law Science
基金 北京市教育委员会科研计划项目“北京市小流域水土保持法律制度研究”(项目编号:SM202010037001)的研究成果。
关键词 水资源 用水权 流域存在价值 非资源环境权益 water resources water rights intrinsic value of drainage area rights and interests in non-environmental resources
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