Acupuncture is an ancient therapeutic method based on the theory of Chinese medicine(CM). Traditional acupuncture has many limitations;it is subjective and relies more on the experience of an acupuncturist, and the efficacy is sometimes irreproducible. In contrast, electroacupuncture(EA) has special characteristics in terms of objectivity and stability, thereby gaining considerable attention. Parameter setting plays a crucial role in EA practice. The current paper summarizes the current situation and limitations of parameter setting in EA practice. Objectification is the tendency and future of CM as well as EA. With the development of computerized technologies, such as wearable sensors, vast data, and artificial intelligence, CM syndromes can be successfully objectified. We propose the development of a novel self-feedback-adjust EA system, which may improve the parameter setting in EA and be beneficial to both the patients and clinicians.
Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.U1705286)
Fujian Province Center for Collaborative Innovation of Traditional Chinese Medicine Health Management 2011 (No.JG2018001)
the Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science (Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists, Type B, No.20791025 and Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research C, General, No.24592157,15k10358 and 18K08991)。