在欣赏十七世纪那不勒斯女艺术家阿特米谢雅.简特内斯基(Artemisia Gentileschi)的绘画时,观者看到:画作中的Judith在飞溅的鲜血中取腓力斯人将军荷罗佛纳的首级;Yael违背了好客的法则,在Sisera的头骨上钉了一个小木桩;又或是Salome让人盛先知Jean-Baptiste之首于托盘,以吻其唇。
Western painting is no doubt haunted by the irresistible allure of the heroine.They are the embodiment of the connection between the gods of love and death.In the words of psychoanalysis,they,are the combination of life and death impulses.Artemisia Gentileschi,a 17th century.female baroque painter in Naples,suffered the physical violence which comes with male power,but she also became a pioneer in painting,a field that was almost exclusively occupied by men at that time.