
2006—2020年湿地领域国际研究态势分析 被引量:2

Bibliometric Analysis of International Research on Wetland in 2006-2020
摘要 湿地是地球表面生物多样性最为丰富的生态景观之一,被誉为“地球之肾”“城市绿肺”。湿地领域研究和实践已成为近年来国际关注热点,为全面宏观了解湿地领域最新国际研究进展和发展态势,本文基于Web of Science核心合集中的SCIE和SSCI数据库,利用数据库自带分析工具、文本挖掘软件(Derwent Data Analyzer,DDA)和主题聚类模型K-means等,对近十五年(2006—2020年)发表的湿地领域相关文献进行计量分析和主题挖掘,分析维度包括发文量变化趋势、国家/地区分布、研究机构分布、论文被引频次、研究热点等。结果表明,2006—2020年,全球范围内湿地领域年度发文量呈稳定上升态势,且论文被引次数较高;发文量排前三的国家分别是美国、中国和英国,其中美国的发文量远超过其他国家,占比约20%,美国、英国不仅发文量全球领先,论文的影响力也较高;主要发文机构包括中国科学院、美国地质调查局、美国佛罗里达大学、美国路易斯安那州立大学和中国中山大学等;通过对近十五年湿地领域文献的标题和摘要进行主题词聚类分析,发现研究热点和研究方向主要集中在14个方面,包括人工湿地、生物多样性、碳循环与碳储量变化、湿地的生态响应、生物地球化学过程、生态水文过程、湿地管理、湿地物种丰富度、湿地物种入侵、微生物研究、湿地污染与修复、湿地地质演化、红树林物种组成与群落特征、湿地地质调查分类及评价等。 Wetlands are one of the most biodiversity-rich ecological landscapes and have been called the“Kidneys of the Earth”and“City’s green lung”.Researches and practices in the field of wetland have been a hotspot of international attention for many scholars in recent years.In order to have a comprehensive understanding of the research progress and development trend in the field of wetland,this paper employed the Web of Science core collection database(SCIE and SSCI),together with the analysis tools self-provided by WoS,Derwent Data Analyzer and topic clustering model kmeans,to conduct bibliometric analysis of literatures on wetland.The data were retrieved from the literatures published during the period of the past fifteen years(2006-2020).The analysis dimensions included trends in the number of articles published,countries/regions,institutions,citations,research hotspots,etc.The results showed that from 2006 to 2020,the annual number of publications in the field of wetlands worldwide exhibited a steady increase,and the number of citations was high;the top three countries in terms of the number of publications were the United States,China and the United Kingdom,with the United States far exceeding other countries in terms of the number of publications,accounting for about 20%.Major contributing institutions include Chinese Academy of Sciences,U.S.Geological Survey,University of Florida,Louisiana State University,and Sun Yat-sen University.Through the clustering analysis of the titles and abstracts of the wetland literature in the past fifteen years,it is found that the research hotspots and research directions mainly focus on 14 areas,including artificial wetlands,biodiversity,carbon cycle and carbon stock changes,ecological response of wetlands,biogeochemical processes,ecohydrological processes,wetland management,species richness,species invasion,microbiological research,wetland pollution and restoration,geological evolution of wetlands,mangrove species composition and community characteristics,as well as classification and evaluation of wetland geological surveys.
作者 赵婉雨 孙玉玲 吕璐成 田黔宁 ZHAO Wanyu;SUN Yuling;LV Lucheng;TIAN Qianning(National Science Libnary of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Bejjing 100190,China;National Geological Library of China,Geoscience Documentation Center,Bejing 100083,China)
出处 《世界科技研究与发展》 CSCD 2022年第5期654-667,共14页 World Sci-Tech R&D
基金 中国地质调查“国际地质调查动态跟踪与分析”(DD20190414)。
关键词 湿地 文献计量分析 研究态势 红树林 碳循环 生物地球化学 生态响应 湿地管理 Wetland Bibliometric Analysis Research Trends Mangrove Carbon Cycle Biogeochemistry Ecological Response Wetland Management
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