

Innovation and Practice of Refined Cost Management for Nuclear Power Project
摘要 三门核电坚持打造专业化造价管理队伍,建立健全核电项目造价管理制度体系。实行核电工程造价精细化管理,将造价管理工作前移至设计阶段,进行设计及技术方案经济性对比,提出优化建议,并落实到工程实践。招投标阶段全面实行工程量清单招标,设置招标控制价,为合理确定工程造价奠定基础。项目执行阶段践行“先商务后工程”的工作理念,严控变更,利用赢得值管理优化进度款支付。率先实施过程结算,严谨细致开展结算阶段造价控制。创新实践,多手段助推造价管理“精细化”。通过核电工程造价精细化管理创新与实践,三门核电造价控制取得了良好的经济效益,同时建立了三代核电项目价格与指标数据库,形成了一批造价管理成果,推动了核电技经领域标准化建设。 SMNPC has established and improved the cost management system of nuclear power projects by building a professional cost management team. The refined cost management is implemented in the whole process, the cost management is moved to the design stage, and design optimization suggestions are put forward through comparison of design methods and case economy, which will be implemented in engineering practice. In the bidding stage, the bill of quantity bidding is fully implemented, and the bidding control price is set, so as to lay a solid foundation for reasonably determining the project cost. In the project implementation stage, the working concept of “business before engineering” is implemented, changes are strictly controlled, and progress payment is optimized through earned value. In the settlement stage, the process settlement is the first to be implemented, and the cost control is carried out strictly and meticulously. The “refinement” of cost management is promoted through innovative practice and multiple means. Through the innovation and practice of refined cost management for nuclear power project, the cost control of SMNPC has achieved good economic benefits, a generation Ⅲ nuclear power project price and index database are established, a set of cost management achievements are formed, and the standardized construction in the field of nuclear power technology and economy is promoted.
作者 董波 徐海根 朱斌斌 DONG Bo;XU Haigen;ZHU Bin-bin(Sanmen Nuclear Power Co.,Ltd.,Taizhou,Zhejiang Prov.318000,China)
出处 《中国核电》 2022年第4期475-478,共4页 China Nuclear Power
关键词 三代核电 造价管理 精细化 generation Ⅲ nuclear power cost management refinement








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