
新制度主义视域下芬兰学前教育政策的多维价值与实践路径 被引量:3

The Multi-dimensional Value and Practical Path of Finnish Preschool Education Policy in the Perspective of New Institutionalism
摘要 芬兰学前教育以其高质均衡的绩效、信任尊重的文化生态以及面向未来且富有弹性的多维教育体系享誉世界,其独特的社会改革理念、政策规制导向与其学前教育改革成果密切相关。该国通过教育政策将儿童的社会关系与文化环境进行互动,同时营造和更新隐性的要素来重塑学前教育价值体系,且不断在外部改革经验与自身改革传统的关系中谋求平衡。新制度主义为分析学前教育政策提供了崭新的视角,其理论框架能够帮助更好地探究芬兰学前教育政策在治理模式、价值导向和实践路径中呈现出的不同特点。对该国学前教育政策规制的“增能”与“放权”、均衡规范的“公平”与“全面”、认知重构的“传统”与“现代”三种实践路径进行理性审视和多维价值探索,有助于客观且辩证地正视中国学前教育制度变革过程中出现的现实问题。中国在发展和改革学前教育时应理顺政策制度逻辑价值,重构现代化学前教育治理体系;平衡多方利益相关者的不同期待,研判学前教育政策的价值旨归;融入现代管理趋势,推动学前教育数据所有权和用益权的协同格局,赋能适应未来的教育新生态。以此来回应“幼有所育”的国家重大决策部署和战略意志,可为实现“起点强壮”奠定良好的学前教育制度和政策基础。 Finnish early childhood education is world-renowned for its high-quality and balanced performance,trust and re-spect-centered cultural ecology and the future-oriented and flexible education system. Its distinctive social reform concepts and policyregulation guidance are closely related to the fruitful results of preschool education reform. Children’s social relations and cultural envi-ronment are interacted through educational policies. Meanwhile,by ways of creating and reshaping the hidden elements to rebuild thevalue system of preschool education,it has been making efforts to seek the balance between external reform experiences and its own tra-ditional reforming. New institutionalism has offered us a brand-new perspective for analyzing the education policy. The Finnish earlychildhood education policies is explored in perspectives of governance model,value orientation and practical approach under the theo-retical framework of new institutionalism. The rational examination and value analysis of the varied dimensions of Finnish preschool edu-cation policy in terms of empowerment versus decentralization of policy regulations,fairness versus entirety of balanced norms and tradi-tion versus modernization of cognitive reconstruction will be meaningful for understanding the practical problems with preschool educa-tion reform in China objectively and didactically. In the development and reform of China’s early childhood education,the logic valueembedded within the policy and system should be rationalized,and the governance system of preschool education should be reconstruc-ted to face the modern society. Moreover,it is necessary to balance the different expectations of stakeholders in varied fields and studyand judge the value orientation of preschool education policy. It is also necessary to integrate the modern trends and ideas into the edu-cational management by promoting the collaborative pattern of ownership and usufruct of preschool educational data and enable it tobuild the new education ecology in the future,so as to respond to the national major decision-making deployment and strategic target of“education for all children”,laying a solid foundation for early childhood education system and realization of the“strong starting point”policy.
作者 陈秋珠 王颖 CHEN Qiuzhu;WANG Ying
出处 《华南师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第5期69-81,206,共14页 Journal of South China Normal University:Social Science Edition
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目“西部残疾儿童学前教育需求与教育供给的实证研究”(17YJA880008)。
关键词 新制度主义 芬兰 学前教育政策 多维价值 实践路径 new institutionalism Finland preschool education policy values
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