

Evaluation of Agricultural Green Development in Main Grain Producing Counties of Sichuan Province
摘要 粮食主产县农业绿色发展水平是保障国家粮食数量和质量双安全的现实需要。四川集农业大省、产粮大省、人口大省于一体,推动四川省粮食主产县农业绿色发展,对于保障国家粮食安全和经济社会可持续发展具有十分重要的作用。采用改进的熵值法对2010—2018年四川省粮食主产县农业绿色发展水平进行综合评价,并结合聚类分析进一步识别四川省各粮食主产县农业绿色发展水平的差异性,结果表明:四川省粮食主产县农业绿色发展水平逐年稳步提升,4个分项指数中,农民收入指数增长最为明显,依次分别是产出效益指数、资源利用指数和产地环境指数;农业绿色发展处于中高水平的地区在资源利用、产出效益、农民收入方面具有优势,农业绿色发展处于偏低水平的地区虽然产地环境优势突出,但在资源利用、产出效益、农民收入方面均比较落后。基于此,四川省各粮食主产县应充分发挥自身比较优势,着力弥补农业绿色发展短板,农业绿色发展处于中高水平的地区应更加注重环境友好型农业的发展;农业绿色发展处于偏低水平的地区应将生态优势转化为发展优势,通过发展优势特色产业带动产出效益和农民收入水平提升。 To improve the level of agricultural green development in main grain producing counties is the practical requirement of guaranteeing national grain quantity and quality security.Sichuan is a province with large agriculture,grain production and population,and promoting agricultural green development of main grain producing counties in Sichuan province plays an important role in ensuring national grain security and sustainable economic and social development.The improved entropy method was applied to comprehensively evaluate agricultural green development level in main grain producing counties of Sichuan province from 2010 to 2018,and the cluster analysis was used to further identify the difference of agricultural green development level in main grain producing counties of Sichuan province.The results showed that the level of agricultural green development in main grain producing counties of Sichuan province has been steadily improved year by year.Among the four sub-indexes,the farmers'income index increases most obviously,then are output benefit index,resource utilization index and producing area environment index respectively.There is a big gap in the level of green agricultural development,resource utilization,producing area environment,output benefit and farmers'income in main grain producing counties.The areas with the middle and high level of green agricultural development have advantages in resource utilization,output benefit and farmers'income.The areas with low level of green agricultural development are relatively backward in resource utilization,output benefit and farmers'income,although the advantage in producing area environment are prominent.Based on this,the main grain producing counties should give full play to their comparative advantages and make up for the shortcomings of agricultural green development,the areas with the medium and high level of green agricultural development should be paid more attention to the development of environmentally-friendly agriculture,the areas with low level of green agricultural development should transform the ecological advantages into development advantages,and output benefit and farmers'income should be promoted through the development of advantageous characteristic industries.
作者 熊鹰 刘强 胡旭 Xiong Ying;Liu Qiang;Hu Xu(Agricultural Information and Rural Economy Institute,Sichuan Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Chengdu 610066,Sichuan;Sichuan Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Chengdu 610066,Sichuan)
出处 《农业展望》 2022年第6期46-52,共7页 Agricultural Outlook
基金 国家重点研发计划项目(2020YFD1100605) 四川省社会科学重点研究基地四川县域经济发展研究中心项目(xy2020008) 四川省哲学社会科学重点研究基地区域公共管理信息化研究中心项目(QGXH21-01)。
关键词 农业绿色发展评价 改进的熵值法 聚类分析 粮食主产县 四川省 evaluation of agricultural green development improved entropy method cluster analysis main grain producing counties Sichuan province
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