

Building a New Form of Modern Political Civilization in which "the People Are Masters of the Country" by Carrying out the People’s Democracy in the Whole Process
摘要 全过程人民民主是人类文明场景下中国特色社会主义民主政治建设的最新概括,它体现了中国共产党不断实践社会主义民主的新创造,已然成为维护社会公平正义的现代政治文明新形态。全过程人民民主如何从价值到事实上超越西式一元民主,“人民当家作主”更是彰显于人民切实参与到选举、协商、决策、管理、监督的治理过程,体现了人类社会发展的基本规律,实现了程序与内容、人民意志与国家意志、过程与结果的统一。人民主权要实现从权利到权力的落实,必须致力于党的领导来确保人民民主的性质不变质,从而使人民代表大会制度能够保障人民权力的行使,做到全面依法治国遏制公权的滥用,保证人民民主在“立法—行政—司法”全过程中权力的享有,向最终实现全过程人民民主的目标协同迈进。 The whole process of people’s democracy is the latest summary of the construction of socialist democratic politics with Chinese characteristics in the context of human civilization, which embodies the new creation of the CPC’s continuous practice of socialist democracy and has become a new form of modern political civilization for safeguarding social fairness and justice. People’s democracy in the whole process surpasses western monistic democracy from the value level to the fact level, and the concept of “the people are the masters of the country” is even more manifested in the people’s effective participation in the governance process of election, consultation, decision-making, management and supervision. The process embodies the basic laws of human social development, and realizes the unity of procedures and contents, of people’s democracy and national will, and of process and results. In order to realize the implementation of people’s sovereignty from rights to power, we must devote ourselves to the leadership of the Party to ensure that the nature of people’s democracy does not deteriorate so as to make sure that the people’s congress system can guarantee the exercise of people’s power, that we can comprehensively govern the country according to law to curb the abuse of public power, that we can ensure the enjoyment of people’s democracy in the whole process of “legislation, administration and justice” and that we can move in concert toward the goal of finally realizing people’s democracy in the whole process.
作者 胡芳 刘婷婷 HU Fang;LIU Ting-ting(School of Marxism,Sichuan University,Chengdu 610207,Sichuan,China;School of Marxism,Guizhou University,Guiyang 550025,Guizhou,China)
出处 《石河子大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2022年第5期29-36,共8页 Journal of Shihezi University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
基金 四川省社会科学研究“十四五规划”重大项目“中国特色社会主义创造人类文明新形态研究”(SC21ZDYZ001) 四川大学习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想研究中心重大攻关课题“人类文明新形态研究”(21XZXZD002)。
关键词 全过程人民民主 人民当家作主 政治文明新形态 the whole process of people’s democracy “the people are masters of the country” a new form of political civilization
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