

The Capacity of Silkworm Cocoon Water to Mitigate the Level of Oxidative Stress in Aged Rats
摘要 目的探讨缫丝水对老龄大鼠氧化应激水平的改善作用。方法模拟传统缫丝水产生过程进行干蚕茧样品处理,并对缫丝水进行成分检测。采用16月龄老龄大鼠,根据血清丙二醛(malonaldehyde,MDA)含量将大鼠分层随机分为3个受试样品剂量组和1个阴性对照组,每组10只。剂量组分别给予500、250、125 mg/kg剂量的缫丝水,阴性对照组给予纯水,每天灌胃1次,连续灌胃30 d。实验结束后检测各组大鼠脂质氧化产物MDA、蛋白质氧化产物蛋白质羰基、抗氧化物质还原型谷胱甘肽(reduced glutathione,GSH)的含量和3种抗氧化酶即超氧化物歧化酶(superoxide dismutase,SOD)、过氧化氢酶(catalase,CAT)、谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(glutathione peroxidase,GSH-Px)的活性。结果缫丝水中粗蛋白含量为1640 mg/100 g,游离氨基酸含量为18 mg/100 g,水解氨基酸含量为1700 mg/100 g。丝氨酸(30.59%)、门冬氨酸(18.82%)、甘氨酸(10.00%)和苏氨酸(8.24%)是缫丝水中主要的水解氨基酸。与阴性对照组比较,缫丝水能降低老龄大鼠血清和组织中的MDA和蛋白质羰基含量(P<0.05),提高血清和组织中的GSH含量(P<0.05),提高组织中的SOD活性(P<0.05),提高血清和组织中的CAT和GSH-Px活性(P<0.05)。结论缫丝水具有改善老龄大鼠氧化应激的作用。 Objective To investigate the capacity of silkworm cocoon water(SCW)to mitigate the level of oxidative stress in aged rats.Methods The samples were processed by simulating the traditional SCW production process,and the SCW components were examined.The 16-month-old rats were randomly divided into 3 experimental groups that were treated with different doses of SCW,and 1 negative control group according to serum malonaldehyde (MDA) content, with 10 rats in each group. Experimental groupswere fed SCW at doses of 500, 250, 125 mg/kg body weight, respectively, and the negative control groupwas given pure water, once a day, for 30 days. At the end of the experiment, the contents of lipid oxidationproducts (MDA), protein oxidation products (carbonyl), antioxidant enzyme activities (SOD, CAT, GSH-Px),and antioxidant substances (GSH) were measured. Results The crude protein content of SCW was1 640 mg/100 g, the free amino acid content was 18 mg/100 g, and the hydrolyzed amino acid contentwas 1 700 mg/100 g. Serine (30.59%), aspartate (18.82%), glycine (10.00%), and threonine (8.24%) were themain hydrolyzed amino acids in SCW. Compared with the negative control group, SCW reduced thecontents of MDA and protein carbonyl in the serum and tissue (P < 0.05), but increased the contents ofGSH in the serum and tissue, the activity of SOD in tissue, and the activity of CAT and GSH-Px in the serumand tissue of aged rats (P < 0.05). Conclusion SCW has the effect of improving oxidative stress in aged rats.
作者 覃辉艳 陈华凤 杨慧 罗海兰 傅伟忠 李庆波 张洁宏 QIN Huiyan;CHEN Huafeng;YANG Hui;LUO Hailan;FU Weizhong;LI Qingbo;ZHANG Jiehong(Guangxi Autonomous Regional Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Nanning 530028,China)
出处 《实验动物与比较医学》 CAS 2022年第5期393-400,共8页 Laboratory Animal and Comparative Medicine
基金 广西医疗卫生适宜技术开发与推广应用项目“缫丝水调控Nrf2-ARE信号通路抗氧化功能研究”(S2019068)。
关键词 缫丝水 丝胶 老龄大鼠 氧化应激 Silkworm cocoon water Sericin Aged rats Oxidative stress
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