
休闲农业园区景观科普功能提升方法探析 被引量:2

Research on the methods of promoting the function of landscape science popularization in leisure agricultural parks
摘要 科普研学是休闲农业园区重要功能之一,在目前竞争激烈的旅游市场中是园区特色发展的新途径。通过建立科学的研究路径,深入挖掘儿童青少年研学旅游优势资源,形成体系化、高标准的科普研学课程。设计可读性高的科普展示牌、趣味性强的科普路线,以及与主题相呼应的探索游戏场地,改变被动宣教、走马观花的转看式游览,而精科学普及,准实践探索,深心理体验,从而以不断提高的旅游质量拉动旅游流量,以差异化发展在旅游业中脱颖而出。 Popular science research is one of the important functions of leisure agriculture park, and it is a new way to develop the park’s characteristics in the current competitive tourism market. Through the establishment of a scientific research path, we will deeply tap the superior resources of children and adolescents’ research tourism, and form a systematic and high-standard popular science research curriculum. Design high readability science popularization display boards, interesting science popularization routes, and exploration game venues corresponding to the theme, change passive propaganda and look around tours, and improve science popularization, quasi practical exploration and deep psychological experience. So as to drive the tourism flow with the constantly improving tourism quality and stand out in the tourism industry with differentiated development.
作者 万营娜 孙静 Wan Yingna;Sun Jing(Xi’an University,Xi’an 710065,China)
机构地区 西安文理学院
出处 《山西建筑》 2022年第22期195-198,共4页 Shanxi Architecture
基金 陕西省2021科技计划项目“基于儿童认知教育的休闲农业创意景观设计实践研究”(2021NY-218) 陕西省教育科学“十四五”规划2021年度课题“定格动画制作对儿童创造力培养提升策略的实践研究”(SGH21Y0166) 陕西省教育厅专项科研计划项目“关中书院造园文化在现代小学校园环境景观中的应用研究”(21JK0333)。
关键词 休闲农业 景观设计 科普研学 leisure agriculture landscape design popular science research
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